haskell - 我们如何在保持类型安全的同时通用地处理关联类型

标签 haskell types functional-programming functional-dependencies associated-types


假设我要处理各种类型的对象,但它们共享相同的形式:我们有由字符串(例如 id)和内容组成的 Items code> 可以是任何东西。 因此,分解的问题可以总结如下: 我希望能够从 content 生成一个 item ,并以通用方式将其与 id 关联起来,但我希望类型系统能够约束接口(interface),例如我知道我会 取回传递的内容Item


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn $ show $ handleContent TitiAssociation $ read "TitiContent"
  putStrLn $ show $ handleContent TotoAssociation $ read "TotoContent"
-- Expected
-- "TitiItem"
-- "TotoItem"

-- definition of the domain
data TitiContent = TitiContent String deriving (Read, Show)
data TotoContent = TotoContent String deriving (Read, Show)

data TitiItem = TitiItem String TitiContent deriving (Read, Show)
data TotoItem = TotoItem String TotoContent deriving (Read, Show)

class (Read a, Show a) => Content a where
class (Read a, Show a) => Item a where

instance Content TitiContent where
instance Content TotoContent where

instance Item TitiItem where
instance Item TotoItem where

-- Association of types
class (Content contentType, Item itemType) => ItemContentAssociation association contentType itemType | association -> contentType, association -> itemType, itemType -> association where

-- tokens to identify the types which will be handled
data TitiAssociation = TitiAssociation
data TotoAssociation = TotoAssociation

instance ItemContentAssociation TitiAssociation TitiContent TitiItem where
instance ItemContentAssociation TotoAssociation TotoContent TotoItem where

-- generic function for handling
handleContent :: (ItemContentAssociation association contentType itemType) => association -> contentType -> itemType
handleContent TitiAssociation TitiContent = TitiItem
handleContent TotoAssociation TotoContent = TotoItem


tmp.hs:41:15: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `ass' with actual type `TitiAss'
      `ass' is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          handleContent :: forall ass contentType itemType.
                           ItemContentAss ass contentType itemType =>
                           ass -> contentType -> itemType
        at tmp.hs:40:1-92
    * In the pattern: TitiAss
      In an equation for `handleContent':
          handleContent TitiAss TitiContent = TitiItem
    * Relevant bindings include
        handleContent :: ass -> contentType -> itemType
          (bound at tmp.hs:41:1)

我还尝试了各种类型的 TypeFamilies 扩展,但编译器总是提示(如果需要,可以提供更多示例,但旨在首先保持初始帖子的合理大小)。


提前非常感谢, 干杯!


几乎可以肯定,在 MPTC/FunDeps 世界和 TF 世界中,正确的答案是使 handleContent 成为 ItemContentAssociation 的方法。既然您在评论中询问了这一点,那么具体来说就是类型族的情况。

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn $ show $ handleContent TitiAssociation $ read "TitiContent \"titi\""
  putStrLn $ show $ handleContent TotoAssociation $ read "TotoContent \"toto\""
-- Expected
-- "TitiItem"
-- "TotoItem"

-- definition of the domain
data TitiContent = TitiContent String deriving (Read, Show)
data TotoContent = TotoContent String deriving (Read, Show)

data TitiItem = TitiItem String TitiContent deriving (Read, Show)
data TotoItem = TotoItem String TotoContent deriving (Read, Show)

class (Read a, Show a) => Content a where
class (Read a, Show a) => Item a where

instance Content TitiContent where
instance Content TotoContent where

instance Item TitiItem where
instance Item TotoItem where

-- Association of types
class (Content (ContentType association), Item (ItemType association)) =>
    ItemContentAssociation association
    type ContentType association = content | content -> association
    type ItemType association
    handleContent :: association -> ContentType association -> ItemType association

-- tokens to identify the types which will be handled
data TitiAssociation = TitiAssociation
data TotoAssociation = TotoAssociation

instance ItemContentAssociation TitiAssociation where
    type ContentType TitiAssociation = TitiContent
    type ItemType TitiAssociation = TitiItem
    handleContent TitiAssociation c@(TitiContent s) = TitiItem s {- what string should be used here? if s, why also have c? -} c

instance ItemContentAssociation TotoAssociation where
    type ContentType TotoAssociation = TotoContent
    type ItemType TotoAssociation = TotoItem
    handleContent TotoAssociation c@(TotoContent s) = TotoItem s {- what string? -} c


关于haskell - 我们如何在保持类型安全的同时通用地处理关联类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68747583/


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