typescript - 如何使用 vue-test-utils 和 Jest 在 Nuxt 中对使用 vuex-module-decorators 语法定义的 Vuex 模块进行单元测试?

标签 typescript vue.js unit-testing nuxt.js vuex


我浏览了官方 Nuxt 文档以及现有的 Stack Overflow 和 Github 问题讨论。

AuthModule 的实现:

  stateFactory: true,
  namespaced: true,
export default class AuthModule extends VuexModule {
  userData?: UserData | undefined = undefined;
  prevRouteList: Routes[] = [];
  error?: services.ICognitoError | undefined = undefined;
  isLoading = false;

  setIsLoading(isLoading: boolean) {
    this.isLoading = isLoading;

   @VuexAction({ rawError: true })
  async register(registerData: { email: string; password: string }): Promise<any> {
    this.context.commit('setIsLoading', true);
    this.context.commit('setError', undefined);
    this.context.commit('setInitiateRegistration', false);
    this.context.dispatch('setEmail', registerData.email);

    try {
      const { user } = await services.register(registerData.email, registerData.password);

      if (user) {
        this.context.dispatch('pushPrevRoute', Routes.emailVerification);
        this.context.commit('setInitiateRegistration', true);
    } catch (error: any) {
      this.context.commit('setError', error);
      this.context.commit('setInitiateRegistration', false);

    this.context.commit('setIsLoading', false);


  setEmail(email: string)  { ... }


  get getEmail() {
    return this.email;



我的 /store 目录仅包含 Vuex 模块(如示例 AuthModule)。我在其中声明和实例化商店的地方没有index.ts。而且模块不是动态的。


  1. 为 Nuxt Vuex 模块编写单元测试的正确模式是什么,定义为 vuex-module-decorators synax,使用Jestvue-test-utils

  2. 如何对 VuexMutations、VuexActions、MutationActions、getters 等进行单元测试?

我尝试在测试文件中实例化 AuthModule 类,但无法让它工作。

describe('AuthModule', () => {
  const authModule = new AuthModule({...});

  it('test', () => {

     AuthModule {
      actions: undefined,
      mutations: undefined,
      state: undefined,
      getters: undefined,
      namespaced: undefined,
      modules: undefined,
      userData: undefined,
      prevRouteList: [],
      error: undefined,
      isLoading: false,
      registrationInitiated: false,
      registrationConfirmed: false,
      forgotPasswordEmailSent: false,
      forgottenPasswordReset: false,
      email: '',
      maskedEmail: ''




Testing a NUXT.js and Vue.js app with Jest. Getting '[vuex] module namespace not found in mapState()' and '[vuex] unknown action type'


// jest.config.js

module.exports = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js'],
  roots: [
  reporters: ['default', 'jest-sonar'],
  moduleNameMapper: {
    '^@/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/$1',
    '^~/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/$1',
    '^vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.common.js',
  moduleFileExtensions: ['ts', 'js', 'vue', 'json'],
  testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.ts$': 'ts-jest',
    '.*\\.(vue)$': 'vue-jest',
    '^.+\\.(js|jsx)$': 'babel-jest-amcharts',
  collectCoverage: true,
  collectCoverageFrom: [
  transformIgnorePatterns: ['[/\\\\]node_modules[/\\\\](?!(@amcharts)\\/).+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$'],
  forceExit: !!process.env.CI,

// jest.setup.js

import { config } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt';
import TsBuilder from '@nuxt/typescript-build';
import nuxtConfig from './nuxt.config';

config.stubs.nuxt = { template: '<div />' };
config.stubs['nuxt-link'] = { template: '<a><slot></slot></a>' };
config.mocks.$t = (msg) => msg;

const nuxtResetConfig = {
  loading: false,
  loadingIndicator: false,
  fetch: {
    client: false,
    server: false,
  features: {
    store: true,
    layouts: false,
    meta: false,
    middleware: false,
    transitions: false,
    deprecations: false,
    validate: false,
    asyncData: false,
    fetch: false,
    clientOnline: false,
    clientPrefetch: false,
    clientUseUrl: false,
    componentAliases: false,
    componentClientOnly: false,
  build: {
    indicator: false,
    terser: false,

const nuxtBuildConfig = {
  dev: false,
  extensions: ['ts'],
  ssr: false,
  srcDir: nuxtConfig.srcDir,
  ignore: ['**/components/**/*', '**/layouts/**/*', '**/pages/**/*'],

const buildNuxt = async () => {
  const nuxt = new Nuxt(nuxtBuildConfig);
  await nuxt.moduleContainer.addModule(TsBuilder);

  try {
    await new Builder(nuxt).build();
    return nuxt;
  } catch (error) {

module.exports = async () => {
  const nuxt = await buildNuxt();
  process.env.buildDir = nuxt.options.buildDir;

// jest.utils.js

import Vuex from 'vuex';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import VueFormulate from '@braid/vue-formulate';
import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';

const createStore = (storeOptions = {}) => new Vuex.Store({ ...storeOptions });
const createRouter = () => new VueRouter({});

const setup = (storeOptions) => {
  const localVue = createLocalVue();

  const store = createStore(storeOptions);
  const router = createRouter();
  return { store, router, localVue };

export const createNuxtStore = async () => {
  const storePath = `${process.env.buildDir}/store.js`;

  // console.log(storePath);
  const NuxtStoreFactory = await import(storePath);
  const nuxtStore = await NuxtStoreFactory.createStore();

  return { nuxtStore };

export const createTestBed =
  (component, componentOptions = {}, storeOptions = {}) =>
  (renderer = mount) => {
    const { localVue, store, router } = setup(storeOptions);

    return renderer(component, {

// auth.spec.js

import { createNuxtStore } from '@/jest.utils';

describe('AuthModule', () => {
  let store: any;

  beforeAll(() => {
    store = createNuxtStore();

  it('should create', () => {


 RUNS  store/auth.spec.ts
          triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

ModuleNotFoundError: Cannot find module 'undefined/store.js' from 'jest.utils.js'
    at Resolver.resolveModule (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:306:11)
    at Resolver._getVirtualMockPath (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:445:14)
    at Resolver._getAbsolutePath (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:431:14)
    at Resolver.getModuleID (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:404:31)
    at Runtime._shouldMock (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:1521:37)
    at Runtime.requireModuleOrMock (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:916:16)
    at /Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../jest.utils.js:24:28
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:94:5)
    at Object.createNuxtStore (/Users/ivan.spoljaric/Documents/.../jest.utils.js:24:28) {
  hint: '',
  requireStack: undefined,
  siblingWithSimilarExtensionFound: false,
  moduleName: 'undefined/store.js',
  _originalMessage: "Cannot find module 'undefined/store.js' from 'jest.utils.js'"



如果你像我一样;仅从 Vue、Nuxt 和 vuex-module-decorators 开始您的旅程,然后您就会陷入解决完全相同的问题,我希望这个小小的单独 QA 乒乓球让您一切顺利!


// auth.spec.ts

import Vuex, { Store } from 'vuex';
import { createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';

import AuthModule, { IState } from './auth';


const localVue = createLocalVue();

const storeOptions = {
  modules: {
    auth: AuthModule,

const createStore = (storeOptions: any = {}): Store<{ auth: IState }> => new Vuex.Store({ ...storeOptions });

describe('AuthModule', () => {
  let store: Store<{ auth: IState }>;

  beforeEach(() => {
    store = createStore(storeOptions);

  describe('mutations', () => {
    // ...

    it('auth/setIsLoading', () => {
      store.commit('auth/setIsLoading', true);

    // ...

  describe('actions', () => {
    // ...

    it('register success', async () => {
      const registerData = {
        email: '<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f4908199998db49199959d98da979b99" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>',
        password: 'dummy',


      try {
        await store.dispatch('auth/register', registerData);
      } catch (error) {}

    // ...

  describe('mutation-actions', () => {
    // ...

    it('setEmail', async () => {
      const dummyEmail = '<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7612031b1b0f36131b171f1a5815191b" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>';

      await store.dispatch('auth/setEmail', dummyEmail);

    // ...

  describe('getters', () => {
    // ...

    it('auth/getError', () => {

      (store.state.auth.error as any) = 'Demmo error';
      expect(store.getters['auth/getError']).toBe('Demmo error');

    // ...

// services/auth

export async function register(email: string, password: string, attr: any = {}): Promise<any> {
  try {
    return await Auth.signUp({
      username: email,
      attributes: {
  } catch (err: any) {
    return Promise.reject(createError(err, 'register'));

// createError is just a util method for formatting the error message and wiring to the correct i18n label

// services/__mock__/auth

import { createError } from '../auth';

export const register = (registerData: { email: string; password: string }) => {
  try {
    if (!registerData) {
      throw new Error('dummy error');

    return new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ response: { user: registerData.email } }));
  } catch (err) {
    return Promise.reject(createError(err, 'register'));


最重要的是要认识到 vuex-module-decorators基于类的模块的行为就像 vue-class-component在引擎盖下。

所有 vuex-module-decorators 的东西都只是语法糖 - vue-class-component API 的包装器。

引用the docs :

In your store, you use the MyModule class itself as a module...The way we use the MyModule class is different from classical object-oriented programming and similar to how vue-class-component works. We use the class itself as module, not an object constructed by the class

要记住的另一件事是使用 createLocalVue ,这使我们能够使用 Vue 类、插件、组件等,而不会污染全局 Vue 类。

将 Vuex 插件添加到 createLocalVue:


AuthModule 类在 Vuex.Store 构造函数内声明为 Vuex(命名空间)模块(根据文档)。

const storeOptions = {
  modules: {
    auth: AuthModule,

const createStore = (storeOptions: any = {}): Store<{ auth: IState }> => new Vuex.Store({ ...storeOptions });

在上面的实现中,在 beforeEach Hook 的帮助下,为每个测试用例重新创建 AuthModule(包括存储、操作、突变、getter...)(因此我们有一个每次测试都要清理存储)

其余部分非常简单。您可以看到我如何测试 AuthModule 的每个部分(操作、突变、 getter ......)

关于typescript - 如何使用 vue-test-utils 和 Jest 在 Nuxt 中对使用 vuex-module-decorators 语法定义的 Vuex 模块进行单元测试?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69315107/


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