saml-2.0 - Azure AD 的 LogoutResponse 上的证书问题

标签 saml-2.0 itfoxtec-identity-saml2

作为服务提供商,我们使用“ITfoxtec Identity Saml2”包来处理 SAML2.0。我们有两个使用 AzureAD 作为 IDP 的集成。两者在处理来自 Azure 的 LogoutResponse 时都存在问题。发生此异常:

System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenValidationException: The X.509 certificate CN=Microsoft Azure Federated SSO Certificate chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.


Saml2Configuration.CertificateValidationMode = System.ServiceModel.Security.X509CertificateValidationMode.None;

但据我了解,这将停用所有证书验证,在处理 AuthnRequest 时也是如此。




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