R - 如果列包含向量中的字符串,则将标志附加到另一列中

标签 r vector dataset tibble grepl


我有一个单词向量,如下所示。这过于简单化了,我真正的向量超过 600 个单词:

myvec <- c("cat", "dog, "bird")


structure(list(id = c(1, 2, 3), onetext= c("cat furry pink british", 
"dog cat fight", "bird cat issues"), cop= c("Little Grey Cat is the nickname given to a kitten of the British Shorthair breed that rose to viral fame on Tumblr through a variety of musical tributes and photoshopped parodies in late September 2014", 
"Dogs have soft fur and tails so do cats Do cats like to chase their tails", 
"A cat and bird can coexist in a home but you will have to take certain measures to ensure that a cat cannot physically get to the bird at any point"
), text3 = c("On October 4th the first single topic blog devoted to the little grey cat was launched On October 20th Tumblr blogger Torridgristle shared a cutout exploitable image of the cat, which accumulated over 21000 notes in just over three months.", 
"there are many fights going on and this is just an example text", 
"Some cats will not care about a pet bird at all while others will make it its life mission to get at a bird You will need to assess the personalities of your pets and always remain on guard if you allow your bird and cat to interact"
)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, 


sample dataset


对于向量 myvec 上的每个关键字,我需要遍历数据集并检查列 onetextcoptext3,如果我在这 3 列中的任意一列中找到关键字,那么我需要将关键字附加到新的列中柱子。结果如下图:

expected result



我怎样才能做到这一点?我使用的是 tidyverse,所以我的数据集实际上是一个 tibble




更新: 如果首选列表:使用 str_extract_all:

df %>%  
  transmute(across(-id, ~case_when(str_detect(., pattern) ~ str_extract_all(., pattern)), .names = "new_col{col}")) 


  new_colonetext new_colcop new_coltext3
  <list>         <list>     <list>      
1 <chr [1]>      <NULL>     <chr [2]>   
2 <chr [2]>      <chr [2]>  <NULL>      
3 <chr [2]>      <chr [4]>  <chr [5]>  


  1. 创建矢量图案
  2. 使用mutate across来检查所需的列
  3. 如果检测到所需的字符串,则提取到新列!
myvec <- c("cat", "dog", "bird")

pattern <- paste(myvec, collapse="|")

df %>% 
  mutate(across(-id, ~case_when(str_detect(., pattern) ~ str_extract_all(., pattern)), .names = "new_col{col}")) %>% 
  unite(topic, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',')
    id onetext                cop                                                                        text3                                                                              topic                                     
  <dbl> <chr>                  <chr>                                                                      <chr>                                                                              <chr>                                     
1     1 cat furry pink british Little Grey Cat is the nickname given to a kitten of the British Shorthai~ On October 4th the first single topic blog devoted to the little grey cat was lau~ "cat,NULL,c(\"cat\", \"cat\")"            
2     2 dog cat fight          Dogs have soft fur and tails so do cats Do cats like to chase their tails  there are many fights going on and this is just an example text                    "c(\"dog\", \"cat\"),c(\"cat\", \"cat\"),~
3     3 bird cat issues        A cat and bird can coexist in a home but you will have to take certain me~ Some cats will not care about a pet bird at all while others will make it its lif~ "c(\"bird\", \"cat\"),c(\"cat\", \"bird\"~                                                                                    

关于R - 如果列包含向量中的字符串,则将标志附加到另一列中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70386370/


r - R 中的向量与数据框

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