react-native - 缩放后在父 View 的边界内平移 Animated.View

标签 react-native react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated-v2

我正在使用react-native-reanimatedreact-native-gesture-handler创建一个允许您“探索”其内部内容的 View (即使它超出其宽度和高度)。

这是我的 gestureHandler更新translationX & translationY变量,稍后在 useAnimatedStyle 中使用“移动”<Animated.View> :

const gestureHandler = useAnimatedGestureHandler({
  onStart: (_, ctx) => {
    ctx.startX = translationX.value;
    ctx.startY = translationY.value;
  onActive: (event, ctx) => {
    translationX.value = ctx.startX + event.translationX;
    translationY.value = ctx.startY + event.translationY;

    // update state to view values on the screen as they change
    runOnJS(setPosition)({ x: translationX.value, y: translationY.value });
  onEnd: () => {
    const boundedX = clamp(
      (BOX_WIDTH - container?.width) * -1,
    const boundedY = clamp(
      (BOX_HEIGHT - container?.height) * -1,

    // create "bounce-y" effect when moving the box back inside the bounds
    translationX.value = withTiming(boundedX);
    translationY.value = withTiming(boundedY);

    // update state to view values on the screen as they change
    runOnJS(setPosition)({ x: boundedX, y: boundedY });


  • 我的“可见区域”为 width: 100, height: 100
  • width: 160, height: 160 的“box”(正在​​平移的元素)

这是一个 gif (click to view in full size):

我创建了一个示例 Expo Snack显示我的问题。如果你改变INITIAL_SCALETransforms.js0.5或者只需点击粉色框(它将其比例更改为 NEW_SCALE ,请参阅 onPress() ),边界平移不再有效。


我发现了问题,它是使用原点(中心)缩放框,因此在应用 scale 变换之前,我必须将其转换为“假”,将其原点设置为顶部左角。

{ translateX: -BOX_WIDTH / 2 },
{ translateY: -BOX_HEIGHT / 2 },
{ scale: scale.value }, // <- NOW I am changing the scale of the box
{ translateX: BOX_WIDTH / 2 },
{ translateY: BOX_HEIGHT / 2},


const getEdges = () => {
  const pointX =
    (BOX_WIDTH * scale.value - VISIBLE_AREA_WIDTH) * -1;
  const pointY =
    (BOX_HEIGHT * scale.value - VISIBLE_AREA_HEIGHT) * -1;
  return {
    x: {
      min: Math.min(pointX, 0),
      max: Math.max(0, pointX),
    y: {
      min: Math.min(pointY, 0),
      max: Math.max(0, pointY),

这是一个working Snack通过这些修复。


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