c# - 如何在不破坏动画的情况下重命名生物模型的层次结构?

标签 c# unity-game-engine

就技能而言,我是 Unity 的初学者,所以如果可以的话,请像在和 child 说话一样解释!



enter image description here


  1. 这样它们更容易理解

  2. 因为我使用商店中的许多不同 Assets ,每个 Assets 都有不同的层次结构和不同的名称,我想标准化名称,以便我可以使用下面的代码来确定生物 body 的哪一部分被射击这样它就适用于所有生物

     public    void            CreatureHit(string bodyPart, GunInfo usedWeapon, float intensity)                    // for guns
         if (creatureInfo.healthPoints > 0)                                                                        // to prevent dead creatures from being shot
             if ("Torso" == bodyPart || "LeftUpperArm" == bodyPart                                                // if the part that was hit was the arms or torso
                     || "RightUpperArm" == bodyPart || "LeftLowerArm" == bodyPart                                // if the part that was hit was the arms or torso
                     || "RightLowerArm" == bodyPart)
                 creatureInfo.healthPoints -= usedWeapon.damage * intensity;                                     // deal standard dmg
                 if (creatureInfo.healthPoints <= 0)
                     creatureInfo.deathType = CreatureInfo.BODYSHOT;
             else if ("Head" == bodyPart)                                                                        // if the part that was hit was the head
                 creatureInfo.healthPoints -= usedWeapon.damage * 10 * intensity;                                // deal 10x dmg
                 audioSource.PlayOneShot(creatureSounds.hitHead, 1);
                 if (creatureInfo.healthPoints <= 0)
                     creatureInfo.deathType = CreatureInfo.HEADSHOT;
             else if ("RightUpperLeg" == bodyPart || "LeftUpperLeg" == bodyPart
                 || "RightLowerLeg" == bodyPart || "LeftLowerLeg" == bodyPart)
                 creatureInfo.healthPoints -= usedWeapon.damage / 2 * intensity;                                    // deal half dmg
                 if (creatureInfo.healthPoints <= 0)
                     creatureInfo.deathType = CreatureInfo.BODYSHOT;


我在层次结构中重命名了它们,但随后动画停止工作。我在 Unity 论坛上发现了一个旧帖子,询问这是否可以在 2015 年实现,OP 被告知不可能。后来有一些技术回复,我感到不知所措,所以我想我应该创建自己的线程。

注意:有数十个角色,每个角色都有 10 多个动画,因此理想情况下我需要一个非常有效的解决方案。


不幸的是,一般来说你仍然不能。 (至少不是那么简单,见下文)。

AnimationClip 基于字符串,存储从 Animator 到相应 GameObject相对路径相应组件的类型,最后是动画序列化字段和属性的名称



  • 遍历对象受影响的 Animator (GetComponentInParent)
  • 迭代所有使用的 AnimationClip
  • 迭代每个剪辑属性绑定(bind)
  • 根据您的重命名重定向属性路径


private static void RenameObject(GameObject gameObject, Animator animator, string newName)
    if (!gameObject)
        throw new ArgumentException("No object provided", nameof(gameObject));

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newName))
        throw new ArgumentException("Object name may not be empty!", nameof(newName));

    if (!animator)
        throw new ArgumentException($"Selected object {gameObject} is not a child of an {nameof(Animator)}!", nameof(gameObject));

    if (gameObject.transform == animator.transform)

    // get the relative path from the animator root to this object's parent
    var path = AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(gameObject.transform.parent, animator.transform);

    if (gameObject.transform.parent != animator.transform)
        path += "/";

    // then append the old and new names
    var oldPath = path + gameObject.name;
    var newPath = path + newName;

    // get the runtime Animation controller
    var controller = animator.runtimeAnimatorController;

    // get all clips used by this controller
    var clips = controller.animationClips;

    var changeableObjects = new List<Object>(clips.Length + 1) { gameObject };

    Undo.RecordObjects(changeableObjects.ToArray(), "Change animated object name");

    // Go through all clips
    foreach (var clip in clips)
        var floatBindingInfo = new List<AnimationFloatBindingInfo>();

        // Get and store all FLOAT keyframe bindings
        foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip))
            var curve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, binding);
            var curveInfo = new AnimationFloatBindingInfo(binding, curve);

            ReplaceBindingPath(curveInfo, oldPath, newPath);


        var objectBindingInfos = new List<AnimationObjectBindingInfo>();

        // also do the same for all reference keyframe bindings 
        foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(clip))
            var curve = AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, binding);
            var curveInfo = new AnimationObjectBindingInfo(binding, curve);

            ReplaceBindingPath(curveInfo, oldPath, newPath);


        // a little check to avoid unnecessary work -> are there any affected property curves at all?
        if (floatBindingInfo.Count + objectBindingInfos.Count > 0)
            // Now erase all curves 

            // and assign back the stored ones
            AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurves(clip, floatBindingInfo.Select(info => info.Binding).ToArray(), floatBindingInfo.Select(info => info.Curve).ToArray());
            AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurves(clip, objectBindingInfos.Select(info => info.Binding).ToArray(), objectBindingInfos.Select(info => info.Curve).ToArray());


    // finally rename the object
    gameObject.name = newName;


由于这个用例非常常见,我花了一些时间为此实现一个EditorWindow。它仍然有点原始,但可以工作并支持撤消重做;)你可以找到它 here

-> 在层次结构中选择对象 -> 右键单击​​ -> “为 Animator 重命名安全”



enter image description here

但是,在您的用例中,另一种方法是简单地让您的代码使用名称,因为它们可能会使用 tags相反。

据我所知,您的代码基于三种不同的情况,因此您可以简单地为每种情况添加一个标签,例如HeadArmsLegs 并相应地分配和检查它们 (GameObject.CompareTag),并且不要触摸名称和根本没有动画。

关于c# - 如何在不破坏动画的情况下重命名生物模型的层次结构?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71686007/


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