java - 为 catch block 内的对象添加日志记录

标签 java amazon-web-services exception try-catch

我想以这样的方式处理代码中的异常:在处理对象期间,如果出现异常,那么我想在 catch block 中记录导致此异常的对象。


public String handleRequest(KinesisEvent kinesisEvent, Context context) {
        try {
            List<myObj> allObj = kinesisEvent.getRecords().stream()
                           .map(it -> it.getKinesis().getData())
                           .map(byteBuffer -> new String(byteBuffer.array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
                           .map(dataInString -> jsonSerDe.fromJson(dataInString, myObj.class))

            //some code
        catch (Exception ex) {
           // Here I want to log out the particular `dataInString` string 
           // that caused the exception to be trigerred. 

           logger.error("Parsing input to myObj failed: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex);


try/catch block 在 map 函数内部工作。

public String handleRequest(KinesisEvent kinesisEvent, Context context) {
    try {
        List<myObj> allObj = kinesisEvent.getRecords().stream()
                .map(it -> it.getKinesis().getData())
                .map(byteBuffer -> new String(byteBuffer.array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
                .map(dataInString -> {
                    try {
                        return jsonSerDe.fromJson(dataInString, myObj.class);
                    catch (Exception ex){
                        logger.error("Parsing input to myObj failed inside stream : {}", dataInString);
                        //throw new RuntimeException("problem string: " + dataInString); //or your custom exception class


        //some code
    catch (Exception ex) {
        // Here I want to log out the particular `dataInString` string
        // that caused the exception to be trigerred.

        logger.error("Parsing input to myObj failed: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex);



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