c++ - 如何解决Readfile权限错误?

标签 c++ winapi assembly

0x7692DEB5(kernelbase.dll)处的未处理异常;b xxx.exe:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fileapi.h>
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() 
    char filename[256] = "text.txt"; //name of file with text
    OFSTRUCT buffer;
    HFILE pfile; 
    DWORD filesize; //size of file
    BYTE * pbuf;

    setlocale(0, "");
        //File opening
        push OF_READ
        lea eax, buffer
        push eax
        lea eax, filename
        push eax
        call DWORD PTR OpenFile
        cmp eax, -1
        je fopen_error
        mov pfile, eax

        //Getting file size
        push NULL
        push pfile 
        call GetFileSize //executing function which calculates file size, result goes to ax
        mov filesize, eax  //Saving into variable

        //Reserving memory for file reading into buffer
        mov eax, filesize
        inc eax
        push eax
        call malloc
        mov pbuf, eax
        add esp, 4

        //Reading into buffer
        push NULL
        push NULL
        PUSH filesize
        push pbuf
        push pfile
        call ReadFile  // At this point I'm getting an error




char filename[256] = "text.txt"; //name with text
    OFSTRUCT buffer;
    HFILE pfile; 
    DWORD filesize; //file size
    BYTE * pbuf;

    DWORD dwBytesRead; /* error because of absent link */

    setlocale(0, "");
        //opening file
        push OF_READ
        lea eax, buffer
        push eax
        lea eax, filename
        push eax
        call DWORD PTR OpenFile
        cmp eax, -1
        je fopen_error
        mov pfile, eax

        //Getting full size
        push NULL
        push pfile
        call DWORD PTR GetFileSize //calling function via checking size
        mov filesize, eax  //recording

        //storaging memory for reading
        mov eax, filesize
        inc eax
        push eax
        call DWORD PTR malloc
        mov pbuf, eax
        add esp, 4

       //Reading into buffer
        push NULL
        lea eax,[dwBytesRead]
        push eax
        PUSH filesize
        push pbuf
        push pfile
        call DWORD PTR ReadFile

关于c++ - 如何解决Readfile权限错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57871778/


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