c# - 如何将泛型类型作为参数传递给 Enum.Parse()

标签 c# .net .net-core


public record OperationCollectionGeneric<OPERATIONTYPE> where OPERATIONTYPE: notnull, Enum
    public OPERATIONTYPE Group { get; }

    public OperationCollectionGeneric(string part1, string? part2 = null, string? part3 = null)
        Group = Enum.Parse<OPERATIONTYPE>(part1, true);

Enum.Parse() 方法出现以下错误:

Error CS0453 The type 'OPERATIONTYPE' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'TEnum' in the generic type or method 'Enum.Parse(ReadOnlySpan, bool)'

如何传递确保 OPERATIONTYPE 参数为 Enum 类型

我尝试使用 where 键设置 OPERATIONTYPE 的枚举类型,但它不起作用。



public record OperationCollectionGeneric<OPERATIONTYPE> where OPERATIONTYPE : struct, Enum

关于c# - 如何将泛型类型作为参数传递给 Enum.Parse(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74601618/


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