swift - deinitialize() 与 deallocate()

标签 swift pointers memory-management automatic-ref-counting

为什么下面的代码要求我手动使用unsafe_pointer.deinitialize(count: 1)来取消初始化实例?


提前抱歉,因为我是第一次尝试学习 MRC。

class Unsafe_Memory {
  var name = "Hello World"
  deinit {
    print("\(type(of: self)) is deinited and deallocated")

let unsafe_pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unsafe_Memory> = .allocate(capacity: 1)

unsafe_pointer.pointee = Unsafe_Memory()

unsafe_pointer.pointee.name = "Changed"

unsafe_pointer.deinitialize(count: 1)


您必须对任何重要类型调用deinitialize。根据Apple Docs ,

A trivial type can be copied bit for bit with no indirection or reference-counting operations. Generally, native Swift types that do not contain strong or weak references or other forms of indirection are trivial, as are imported C structs and enums. Copying memory that contains values of nontrivial types can only be done safely with a typed pointer. Copying bytes directly from nontrivial, in-memory values does not produce valid copies and can only be done by calling a C API, such as memmove().

调用deinitialize首先会取消初始化该内存,但如 docs状态,“调用deinitialize(count:)后,内存未初始化,但仍绑定(bind)到 Pointee 类型”。

之后,您可以通过调用 deallocate() 释放该内存块,类似于 C 中的 free()deallocate()只能在非平凡类型或未初始化的内存块上调用。

如果类型很简单,则不必调用deinitialize。无论如何,最好调用 deinitialize 以防万一您的类型将来变得不平凡,并且调用它不会花费您任何费用。

您可以尝试运行代码而不调用deallocatedeinit block 仍将被执行,因为 deinitialize 将运行该 block 。但是,该内存块仍然被占用并且不会被释放,直到您调用deallocate

关于swift - deinitialize() 与 deallocate(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74990221/


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