java - Spring WebClient toEntityList 不适用于 List<String>

标签 java spring rest spring-webclient

我有一个 REST 端点,它返回一个简单的字符串 ID JSON 数组:


响应有Content-Type: application/json .

我正在从 Spring WebClient 中消耗它,并且正在尝试生成 List<String>使用toEntityList方法:

ResponseEntity<List<String>> response = webClient.get()

但是,这并没有正确解析 JSON,而是返回一个包含单个项目的列表,并且该项目是响应的文字字符串内容,如上所示。

同样的模式对于 String 以外的列表项类型也适用。 (通常是 JSON 对象)。



根据rstoyanchev's comment on the issue "WebClient decodes string array as one string"这种行为是故意的。

This is described here

There is an ambiguity with String and "application/json". It could be a serialized JSON text or a JSON array. We treat it as the former for several reasons. One because you can resolve the ambiguity with a target of Mono<List> whereas the other way around there would be no option. Two because it avoids other issues with SSE streams. Three because JSON Strings are less common and a slightly less longer syntax seems acceptable.

bringyou mentions此解决方法:

webClient.get().uri().retrieve().bodyToFlux(String[].class);   // now we get a flux<String[]> which only has one item
webClient.get().uri().retrieve().bodyToMono(String[].class);  // or a mono<String[]>

另一个解决方案可能是更改 REST 端点以返回以行分隔的字符串 ID 列表,而不是 JSON 数组。根据Spring Reactive Jackson JSON documentation ,Jackson 解码器支持“任何行分隔的 JSON 格式,例如 NDJSON、JSON 行或 JSON 文本序列”。如果您使用 Jackson 作为 REST 端点,则在客户端中 accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_NDJSON) 并将 products=MediaType.APPLICATION_NDJSON_VALUE 添加到 REST Controller 就足够了.

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