javascript - 如何仅在工作时间增加计数器?

标签 javascript jquery

我正在尝试创建一个每分钟递增 +1 的计数器。 (一小时的完美值约为 70。)

但是,柜台应从早上 6 点开始工作,一直工作到晚上 8 点(工作时间),周一至周五(工作日)。对于周末和非工作时间,应暂停,但应显示已计算的值。第二天将从最后一个值继续。

计数器将在月底停止,重置,每月 1 日重新启动(如果是工作日)

function startCounter() {
// Get the current date and time
var currentDate = new Date();
var currentDay = currentDate.getDay(); // 0: Sunday, 1: Monday, ..., 6: Saturday
var currentHour = currentDate.getHours();

// Check if it's a weekend or outside working hours
var isWeekend = currentDay === 0 || currentDay === 6; // Sunday or Saturday
var isOutsideWorkingHours = currentHour < 6 || currentHour >= 20; // Before 6am or after 8pm

// If it's a weekend or outside working hours, pause the counter
if (isWeekend || isOutsideWorkingHours) {
  console.log('Counter paused.');

// Get the starting date for the counter
var startingDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1); // 1st of the current month

// Calculate the number of days since the starting date, excluding weekends
var daysSinceStart = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= currentDay; i++) {
  if (i !== 0 && i !== 6) {

// Calculate the initial value of the counter based on the number of previous days
var initialValue = daysSinceStart * 1440; // 1440 minutes in a day

// Initialize the counter with the initial value
var counter = initialValue;

// Increment the counter every minute
var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
  console.log('Counter:', counter);
}, 60000); // 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute

// Display the counter value on page refresh
console.log('Counter:', counter);

// Start the counter




美好的一天! 首先: 如果只计算工作时间,如您所示,每天只有 14 小时,而不是 24 小时。这样您每天将增加的不是 1440 分钟,而是 840 分钟。但更好的是创建几个变量(endHour 和 startHour)以确保在任何地方都能正确计数。 如果您想显示计数,即使不是工作时间,但不计数时检查时不返回。


而且你不会计算从一天开始到现在过去了多少分钟。 通过 setInterval 进行计数并不是最好的主意,但还是放在这里进行测试。 所以,这是我的代码,我针对不同的开始时间和结束时间以及 weekEndDays 对其进行了测试:

function startCounter() {
// Get the current date and time
var currentDate = new Date();
var currentDay = currentDate.getDay(); // 0: Sunday, 1: Monday, ..., 6: Saturday
var currentHour = currentDate.getHours();
var currentMinutes = currentDate.getMinutes();
var currentDayOfMonth = currentDate.getDate();
// Check if it's a weekend or outside working hours
var weekEndDays = [0,6]; // weekend days - you can add or delete some days
var isWeekend = weekEndDays.indexOf(currentDay) > -1 ; // Is a weekend?
var startHour = 6;
var endHour = 20;
var isOutsideWorkingHours = currentHour < startHour || currentHour >= endHour; // Before startHour or after endHour

// Get the starting date for the counter
var startingDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1); // 1st of the current month

// Calculate the number of days since the starting date, excluding weekends and current day
var daysSinceStart = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < currentDayOfMonth; i++) {
    let checkDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), i);

    if (checkDate.getDay() !== 0 && checkDate.getDay() !== 6) {
var minutesSinceStartOfDay = 0;

// if today is working day, and work time is over, count it as fully passed day
if (!isWeekend && isOutsideWorkingHours && currentHour >= endHour){
// If it's a weekend or outside working hours, show 'Counter paused.'
// else count minutes from start of a working day and show 'Counter starting...'

if (isWeekend || isOutsideWorkingHours) {
    console.log('Counter paused.');
} else {
    minutesSinceStartOfDay = (currentHour - startHour)*60 + currentMinutes;
    console.log('Counter starting...');

// Calculate the initial value of the counter based on the number of previous days
 // (endHour-startHour)*60 minutes in a day
// Initialize the counter with the initial value
var counter = daysSinceStart * (endHour-startHour)*60 + minutesSinceStartOfDay;

// Increment the counter every minute
var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
    if (isWeekend || isOutsideWorkingHours) {
        console.log('Counter:', counter);
    console.log('Counter:', counter);
}, 60000); // 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute

// Display the counter value on page refresh
console.log('Counter:', counter);

// Start the counter

玩得开心! 对我来说很有趣。

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