javascript - 为什么 Sentry 会忽略我的 React 应用程序中的一些错误?

标签 javascript reactjs typescript sentry

我正在使用 Sentry 来捕获 React 应用程序中的错误。我逐渐意识到 Sentry 会忽略 502 和 504 HTTP 代码的错误。在尝试调试它时,我意识到一些 React 错误也被忽略了。我不知道为什么,我想重写此行为。


  dsn: "<mydsn>",
  integrations: [
    new Integrations.BrowserTracing(),
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
    new HttpClientIntegration({
      failedRequestStatusCodes: [502, 504],
    }) as unknown as Integration,

  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

  enabled: true,
  release: process.env.REACT_APP_BUILD_TAG,

以下是我的 ErrorBoundary 中处理错误的方式:

  componentDidCatch(error: unknown, _errorInfo: unknown): void {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log("TESTING. error : ", error, " , error info : ", _errorInfo);


Error: Objects are not valid as a React child(...)

这个错误没有被 Sentry 捕获,但在我看来,它应该捕获。

编辑: 我可能没有在本地正确配置 Sentry,因为在尝试调试时出现 Cors 错误,甚至我的 captureMessage() 也无法到达 Sentry。


我可以建议您检查 _error.js 文件中是否有任何排除项。例如,您可能不会记录 404 错误。

MyError.getInitialProps = async (context) => {
  const errorInitialProps = await NextErrorComponent.getInitialProps(context);
  const { res, err, asPath } = context;

  errorInitialProps.hasGetInitialPropsRun = true;

  // Returning early because we don't want to log 404 errors to Sentry.
  if (res?.statusCode === 404) {
    return errorInitialProps;


您可能还想检查您的 init 方法。 Sentry 有“ignoreErrors”选项。

  dsn: SENTRY_DSN ,
  release: SENTRY_RELEASE,
  tracesSampleRate: SENTRY_SAMPLING_RATE,
  // check for any exclusions
  ignoreErrors: [/The user is not authenticated/]


Raven.config('your-dsn', {
    whitelistUrls: [
        '', // your code
        ''        // code served from Google CDN

This example configuration ensures that only errors that originate from scripts served from and are reported to the Sentry server. This small configuration change is the easiest, most impactful change you can make to reduce errors.


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