c++ - 如何通过 Qt 5 进行局域网唤醒?

标签 c++ qt qt5 packets wake-on-lan

我找到了 this tutorial for wake on LAN,但我不能完全理解。它在 Qt3 中实现。我想要可以用 Qt5 编译的局域网唤醒功能。如何使用上述代码使用 Qt5 通过 LAN 唤醒计算机?


这是一个用 Qt 5 编译的 LAN 唤醒实现。该函数将目标计算机的 MAC 地址作为参数并广播相关的 UDP 数据包:

void MyClass::wakeOnLan(QString MAC)
    char MACAddr [6];
    char MagicPacket [102]; // Magic package for remote boot

    int j = sscanf (MAC.toLatin1().data(), "%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x",
                    & MACAddr [0], & MACAddr [1], & MACAddr [2], & MACAddr [3], & MACAddr [4], & MACAddr [5]);

    // Set to hexadecimal before the magicpacket array 6 characters ff
    memset (MagicPacket, 0xff, 6);

    int packetsize = 6; // the beginning of the initial value is 6, do not wrong. I is because the effect of the initial value of the written as 0, it is too effortless.
    // Build MagicPacket.
    for (int i = 0; i <16; i++)
        memcpy (MagicPacket + packetsize, MACAddr, 6);
        packetsize += 6;

    QHostAddress FakeAddress;
    FakeAddress.setAddress ("");

    QUdpSocket udpSocket;
    udpSocket.writeDatagram(MagicPacket, 102, FakeAddress, 9);

关于c++ - 如何通过 Qt 5 进行局域网唤醒?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29142457/


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