python-hypothesis - 假设能否缩小假设未发现的失败测试用例?

标签 python-hypothesis property-based-testing

尼古拉斯·查马斯 wrote在假设用户邮件列表上:

A user reported a bug in a function and provided a reproduction. I decided to write a test for this function to see if Hypothesis could find the same bug.

The test looks like this:

def test_percentile(data):

I’ve run this test with up to 100,000 examples, but Hypothesis is not finding this bug. A very specific set of circumstances that I do not understand need to line up precisely for this bug to reveal itself.

I am now trying to figure out something different: Given a known failing example, can Hypothesis help me shrink it to its simplest form?

The reproduction provided by the user is a list that’s 373 elements long. I managed to manually shrink it down to 45 elements.

Is there any way to get Hypothesis to shrink the known failing example even further?





  1. 运行更长时间(例如过夜) - 计算机时间比您的时间便宜
  2. using target() to 'aim at'已知的失败可以使搜索更加高效

这是假设设计方式的一个基本结果:[生成和收缩都在相同的底层表示上工作,并且因为策略可以包含任意 Python 代码,所以通常不可能“向后运行它们”并转动你的测试用例进入红外。

(在受限设置中可能run generators backwards,原则上这可以用于简单的假设策略 - 但我真的不喜欢只在简单情况下工作的界面。我们使用类似的不过,我们的内部存在欺骗。)

尽管如此,“缩小用户报告的失败案例”多年来一直在我的个人愿望 list 上 - @example(<your value here>).shrink()将是一个可爱的界面(如果我们无法到达它,则失败;如果我们缩小它,dump a patch)。最简单的实现是自动派生一些 target()如上所述的指标;在我们可以的情况下,用分析解决方案来补充它更加复杂和有效。 Support for symbolic execution可能也有用,尽管我们现在正在考虑结合愿望 list 的想法:-)

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