applescript - 使用 AppleScript 将 .rtf 文本复制到电子邮件正文中

标签 applescript rtf

我有一个 AppleScript 应用程序,它可以创建一封电子邮件(在 中),其中包含我通过对话框选择的选项中的附件。文本模板以 .rtf 格式存储,因此非程序员可以根据自己的意愿更改文本模板。

我可以从 .txt 纯文本文件创建电子邮件,但是当我导入 .rtf 文本文件时,它会导入格式化命令,而我不这样做不想在邮件中。

以下是将 .rtf 导入电子邮件的示例:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Light;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural

\f0\fs24 \cf0 technology mail for english speakers\


-- Import the .rtf file and store content in the mycontent variable    
set mycontent to (read "/Users/kiara/Desktop/mailer/technology/tech-en-content.rtf")
-- create mail from values stored in variables
tell application "Mail"
    set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:mysubject, content:mycontent}
    tell content of theMessage
        make new attachment with properties {file name:this_file} at after last paragraph
    end tell
end tell

是否可以将格式化文本从 .rtf 文件导入到新邮件中,而无需格式化代码(我选择 rtf,因为大多数情况下使用粗体和颜色来格式化文本)?



set the clipboard to (read "/Users/kiara/Desktop/mailer/technology/tech-en-content.rtf" as «class RTF »)

tell application "Mail"
    set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:"mysubject"}
end tell

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Mail"
        repeat until focused of UI element 1 of scroll area 4 of window 1
            keystroke tab
        end repeat
        keystroke "v" using command down
    end tell
end tell

关于applescript - 使用 AppleScript 将 .rtf 文本复制到电子邮件正文中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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