svn - Tortoise SVN 客户端无法忽略目标文件夹

标签 svn tortoisesvn

每次我在 Window 7 上使用 Tortoise SVN 客户端提交代码更改时,我都想忽略目标文件夹。因此,我右键单击目标文件夹并选择TortoiseSVN -> 取消版本并添加到忽略列表。但是,下次我从目标的父文件夹提交时,我仍然会在要提交的列表中看到它。我是否错过了一些事情来完成它?


参见TortoiseSVN Manual ,尤其是这部分:"Ignore files which are already versioned"


If the files are already in the repository, they have to be deleted from the repository and added to the ignore list. Fortunately TortoiseSVN has a convenient shortcut for doing this. TortoiseSVN → Unversion and add to ignore list will first mark the file/folder for deletion from the repository, keeping the local copy. It also adds this item to the ignore list so that it will not be added back into Subversion again by mistake. Once this is done you just need to commit the parent folder.

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