arrays - Perl 脚本 - : Useless use of array element in void context at letter_counter. pl lin 38 和 44

标签 arrays perl for-loop brackets

这是我的第一个 Perl 脚本


#This program will take a user's input and then count how many letters there are. Whereupon it will count the number of unique letters before printing all the data
#back to the user.

use strict;
use warnings;

# This section is to collect and spit back the input to the user.

print "\n\nHello, please enter a word, a phrase, or a sentence. Press Enter when you are done.\n";
my $input = <>; #Collecting the input from the user.
chomp $input; #Chomping, or removing, the \n from the end of the input.
print "\nYou typed -:[$input]\n";

#This section will find how many unique characters there are.
my @uniqueArray;
my @stringArray = split(// , $input); 
my $x = 0;
my $string_max_index = $#stringArray;

    my $found = 0;
    my $test = $stringArray[$x];
    my $y = 0;

        if($test eq $uniqueArray[$y])

    if($found eq 1)
        $uniqueArray[$#uniqueArray] = $stringArray[$x];

# This section will determine how many ascii characters are in the $input variable and output the results of this
# program.

my $numOfLet = 0;
while ( $input ne "" )
    $numOfLet = $numOfLet + 1;
chop $input

print "Total Characters -: $numOfLet"; 
print "Total of Unique Characters -: $#uniqueArray \n\n\n";



Useless use of array element in void context at line 38
Useless use of array element in void context at line 44

令我困惑的是,这些行中没有任何内容,只有 for 循环的右括号,这让我相信问题是我在每个 for 循环中调用的元素。


for 循环的初始化 block 是罪魁祸首。调整为这样可以解决警告:




  • 你的 for 循环......有点有趣,我不知道还能怎么说。
  • 数组长度通常最容易通过 scalar keyword 读取。 .
  • 向数组添加成员通常使用 push keyword 来完成.


for(my $x = 0; $x < scalar @stringArray;$x++)
    my $found = 0;
    my $test = $stringArray[$x];
    my $y = 0;

    for (my $y = 0; !$found && $y < scalar @uniqueArray;$y++)
        if($test eq $uniqueArray[$y])

    unless ($found)
        push @uniqueArray, $stringArray[$x];

如果上面的 for 循环对您来说不合理,那么现在是查找一些教程的好时机。

这可以通过 foreach loops 来简化:

foreach my $letter (@stringArray) {

或者使用 grep searches :

my $found = grep { $_ eq $letter } @uniqueArray;


my %uniques;
$uniques{$_} = 1 for @stringArray;
my $num_uniques = scalar keys %uniques;


my @letters = split(//, $input);        #split input into array of chars
my %uniques;                            #declare empty hash
$uniques{$_} = 1 for @letters;          #set hash key for each char
my $num_letters = scalar @letters;      #count entries in letter list
my $num_uniques = scalar keys %uniques; #count unique keys in letter hash


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