batch-file - 批处理文件输入验证整数

标签 batch-file



pushd %systemroot%
echo *{Enter the number of minutes  required before Turn off the computer then press (enter)}
set/p "x="

if %x% EQU %x% set/a z= 60*%x%
echo %z%
shutdown -s -t %z%

echo finish



pushd "%systemroot%"
"set x="
set /p "x=Enter the number of minutes required before Turn off the computer then press (enter) "
rem this allows the user to press enter to quit without doing anything
if not defined x goto :EOF
rem check for numerals only - else loop to start again
set "num="
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%a in ("%x%") do set "num=%%a"
if defined num goto :loop

set /a z=60*%x%
echo %z%
shutdown -s -t %z%

echo finish

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