r - 如何针对多个输入运行脚本并根据输入名称保存结果对象?

标签 r time-series


# Specify time series to be used 

dat <- tsname

# Run a set of commands and fit models with different parameters 
dat.1 <- model1(dat)
dat.2 <- model2(dat)
dat.3 <- model3(dat)

# Save objects for further analysis 

tsname.1 <- dat.1
tsname.2 <- dat.2

save(tsname.1, tsname.2, tsname.3, file = paste0("tsname", ".rda")



现在,随着系列数量的增加,最好使用 for 循环、foreach、批处理脚本或 commandArgs() 来运行一个脚本并将所有时间系列指定为参数。 为了实现这一点,脚本必须找到一种方法来为这些对象分配系列本身的名称,以便稍后加载它们以进行进一步分析。



tsdata <- ts(rnorm(250), start = c(1980,1), frequency = 12)
dat <- tsdata
dat.11 <- arima(dat, order = c(1, 1, 1))
dat.21 <- arima(dat, order = c(2, 1, 0))

tsname.11 <- dat.11  # problem is to specify this step in each script
tsname.21 <- dat.21
save(tsname.11, , file = "tsname.rda")





我展示了使用assignget创建和检索单个对象的几种方法,但也提供了一种替代方法,其中所有模型运​​行都存储为列表的不同元素。同样,我将展示如何将运行的每个模型保存在单独的文件(soi.1.rda 等)中,但您也可以一步将所有内容保存在一起:)

# ===========================================
# = Set up model params, generate test data =
# ===========================================
mod.param <- 1:5 # orders of AR to try ...
test.soi <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.5, -0.2)), n=20)

# ===========================================================
# = Create empty vectors/ list to store data and data names =
# ===========================================================
dat.names <- c() # a place to store the names of the individual objects that we'll create
save.names <- c() # the names of the files to save, e.g., "soi.1"
dat.all <- list() # as an altnerative, you can save each analysis in different elements of a list

# ===================================================
# = Loop through each type of model, saving results =
# ===================================================
for(i in 1:length(mod.param)){ # loop through each model you want to run
    temp.dat <- arima(test.soi, order=c(mod.param[i], 0, 0)) # temp.dat is the current model result
    dat.names[i] <- paste("dat", i, sep=".") # dat.names stores the names of all the dat.x objects

    assign(dat.names[i], temp.dat) # use assign() to create an object with name of temp.dat.name

    # dat.all[[dat.names[i]]] <- temp.dat # store the object in a list
    dat.all[[dat.names[i]]] <- get(dat.names[i]) # same as above, but using get(), which complements assign() nicely

    save.name <- paste("soi", i, "rda", sep=".") # I'm assuming the file should be named soi.1.rda, not soi.rda
    save(list=dat.names[i], file=save.name) # save soi.1.rda, soi.2.rda ... etc.

# But we don't have to save each file individually!
# We can save a file that contains our list of models (dat.all), as well as each model object (dat.1, dat.2 ... etc.)
all.objs <- ls() # what are all of the object names in our working memory?
dat.objs <- all.objs[all.objs%in%c(dat.names, "dat.all")] # subset to the names of objects we want to save
save(list=dat.objs, file="everything.rda") # save all relevant objects in 1 .rda file



请注意,该方法可能会略有不同,具体取决于您想要将哪些模型应用于哪个时间序列。我假设每个时间序列都应应用多个模型,并且这些模型仅 ARIMA 阶数不同。

结果可以保存为 1 个嵌套列表(不同的模型结果分组在不同的时间序列下),或者将每个时间序列的模型结果保存为单独的文件。

# ============================================================
# = Generate many time series, many sets of model parameters =
# ============================================================
# Model parameters
n.Params <- 5
ar.orders <- 1:n.Params # orders of AR to try ...
i.orders <- rep(0, n.Params)
ma.orders <- rep(0,n.Params)
arima.params <- as.list(as.data.frame(rbind(ar.orders, i.orders, ma.orders)))

# Time Series Data
n.ts <- 10 # number of time series
test.soi <- quote(as.numeric(arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.2, 0.4)), n=sample(20:30, 1))))
all.soi.ts <- replicate(n.ts, eval(test.soi))
names(all.soi.ts) <- paste("soi", 1:n.ts, sep=".")

# ==============================================
# = Function to be applied to each time series =
# ==============================================
# Analyze time series
ats <- function(TS, arimaParams){
    dat.all <- list() # as an altnerative, you can save each analysis in different elements of a list
    for(i in 1:length(arimaParams)){ # loop through each model you want to run
        temp.dat <- arima(TS, order=arimaParams[[i]]) # temp.dat is the current model result
        dat.all[[i]] <- temp.dat # store the object in a list

# =========================
# = All Results in 1 List =
# =========================
AllResults <- lapply(all.soi.ts, ats, arima.params) # multilevel list – top level is each TS, within each TS group are the results of all models applied to that time series
save(AllResults, file="everything.rda") # save this big list as 1 file

# ========================================================================
# = Each time series gets its own file and its own list of model results =
# ========================================================================
for(i in 1:length(all.soi.ts)){ # if you want many files, 1 file per time series, use this for loop
    temp.ts <- all.soi.ts[[i]]
    soi.name <- paste("soi", i, sep=".")
    assign(soi.name, ats(temp.ts, arima.params))
    save(list=soi.name, file=paste(soi.name, "rda", sep=".")) # each file will have a name like "soi.1.rda", containing the results of all models applied to the first time series

关于r - 如何针对多个输入运行脚本并根据输入名称保存结果对象?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23569666/




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