ruby-on-rails - Rails 将 html 渲染为 pre 元素内的纯文本

标签 ruby-on-rails google-chrome asset-pipeline haml

这是我仅在 Chrome 中遇到的错误,并且仅发生在特定路线 -/dashboard/friends 上。 html 显示为纯文本,包含在

<pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">

如果我对与 View 关联的文件的内容进行任何更改,例如简单地将“blah”放入index.haml 文件中,它将正确呈现。有人知道可能是什么原因造成的吗?

编辑:这是在浏览器中呈现的内容 -

      <pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">
       "my apps view renders in here including the head and html, 
        but since it is in quotes, it just appears as plain text
        entire rails app html here...

该错误似乎与我在 Controller 中的 @invites 变量有关,删除它可以解决问题 -

class Dashboard::FriendsController < Dashboard::BaseController
  def index
    @friends = current_user.friends
#removing the @invites var fixes it, but I need those invitations...
    @invites = current_user.invitations.where(type: "FriendInvite").includes(:recipient)

      = link_to dashboard_find_friend_path, class: "btn" do
        Add a Friend
  - if @friends.empty?
    You have no friends
  - else
    - @friends.each do |friend|
      = render 'friend', friend: friend
  - if @invites.present?
    - @invites.each do |inv|
      = render partial: 'invite', locals: {inv: inv}

这是layout.haml -

!!! 5
    %title= full_title(yield(:title))
    = stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all", "data-turbolinks-track" => true 
    = javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true 
    = csrf_meta_tags 
    = favicon_link_tag '/favicon.ico'
    = favicon_link_tag '/favicon.png', rel: 'apple-touch-icon', type: 'image/png'
    %script{ type: "text/javascript", src: "//" }
    %script{ type: "text/javascript"}

    = render current_user.navigation

      = render "shared/dashboard/header"
      = yield

更新:升级到 Rails 4.1,没有运气。再次仅在 Chrome 中进行中断,并且仅当我包含第二个实例变量并且该变量已以某种方式修改(添加了新记录)


事实证明,问题是正在渲染的文件缺少扩展名。我所有的观点都是 .haml 文件,将它们更改为 .html.haml 解决了这个问题。

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