batch-file - 如何在内部for循环之外使用批处理文件变量

标签 batch-file scripting


for /f %%i in ('dir /s /b "%FolderLocation%"') do (
set fullpathandfilename=%%i ::
For %%A in ("%fullpathandfilename%") do (
Set File=%%~nxA
echo %%File :: this would work and print out only filename
echo %File% ::this will not have filename I extracted above

那么我如何在内部 for 循环之外使用 %%File



setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /f %%i in ('dir /s /b "%FolderLocation%"') do (
For %%A in ("%%~i") do (
Set File=%%~nxA
echo !File!
:: This shows how "%" doesn't work but "!" does
Echo ^%File^%: %File%   -   ^!File^!: !File!

这应该对你有用。只需记住在 for 循环内使用 !File! 并在 for 循环外使用 %File% 即可。

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