angularjs - 将数组对象从 Controller 传递到 AngularJS 中的自定义指令

标签 angularjs controller angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat directive

我尝试将对象数组从 Angular Controller 传递到自定义指令元素,并使用 ng-repeat 迭代该对象,但出现以下错误:[ngRepeat:dupes]


home.controller("homeController", function ($scope) {

    $scope.points =[

            "url": '../assets/images/concert.jpg',
            "url": '../assets/images/dance.jpg',
            "url": '../assets/images/music.jpg',
            "url": '../assets/images/jazz.jpg',
            "url": '../assets/images/violin.jpg',
            "url": '../assets/images/music.jpg',



var sharedDirectives = angular.module("sharedDirectives", []);

sharedDirectives.directive("interestPoints", function () {

    function link($scope, element, attributes, controller ) {

           items : 4, //4 items above 1200px browser width
           itemsDesktop : [1200,3], //3 items between 1200px and 992px
           itemsDesktopSmall : [992,3], // betweem 992px and 768px
           itemsTablet: [850,2], //1 items between 768 and 0
           itemsMobile : [600,1] // itemsMobile disabled - inherit from itemsTablet option


    return {
        restrict: "E",
        templateUrl : "../html/views/interest-points.html",
        link: link,
        scope: {
            interestPoints: '@'



<div id="interest-points" class="owl-carousel">
    <div ng-repeat="point in interestPoints" class="item">
        <img ng-src="{{point.url}}" alt="Owl Image"><h4>27<br>JUL</h4>



<div ng-controller='homeController'>
<interest-points interest-points="{{points}}""></interest-points>

我尝试通过 $index 进行跟踪,但错误没有出现并且不迭代


您正在使用 interestPoints: '@' 作为将 interestPoints 绑定(bind)到范围的方法。实际上,它仅将字符串 {{points}} 绑定(bind)到 interestPoints,而不是在父级范围内实际评估该表达式。

使用 interestPoints: '=' 作为绑定(bind)方法,然后使用 interest-points="points" 来获得所需的行为。

标题 Directive definition object 下的相关文档.

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