image - Atom 1.0 联合供稿图标和 Logo 尺寸

标签 image atom-feed feed image-size

Atom 1.0 规范对 feed 中的图标和 Logo 元素有以下几行内容:

icon - The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) to one (vertical) and SHOULD be suitable for presentation at a small size.

logo - The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical).

大多数 Atom feed 阅读器可以使用的图标和 Logo 图像的建议尺寸是多少?


我发现一篇博客文章专门讨论了您的问题 :

The Atom specification details two separate XML elements that can contain a URL to an image: icon and logo. For icon, it indicates that the image should have a 1:1 ratio and should be appropriate for small sizes. Not much more is spelled out, such as appropriate image types.


Now, the RSS specification is a little more specific when it comes to possible image sizes.

Maximum value for width is 144, default value is 88. Maximum value for height is 400, default value is 31.

由于提要阅读器可能会同时显示 ATOM 和 RSS 提要,因此这是他们期望的大致图像大小。因此,我查看了 FlickR ATOM feed ( ),它使用 48px 的方形图标。也许你可以坚持为你的图标。但它不提供 Logo 。

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