php - 如何在 PHP 中使用 array_walk 对三维数组进行排序?

标签 php arrays multidimensional-array


    [1] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [class] => Advanced Hip Hop Ages 10+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436902200
                    [end] => 1436905800
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [1] => Array
                    [class] => Intermediate Hip Hop Ages 9+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436899500
                    [end] => 1436902200
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [2] => Array
                    [class] => Beginning Pointe Ages 10+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436896800
                    [end] => 1436899500
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [3] => Array
                    [class] => Int/Adv Ballet  Ages 10+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436889600
                    [end] => 1436896800
                    [capacity] => 15
                    [students] => 1

            [4] => Array
                    [class] => Beginning Ballet 8+ year olds
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436884200
                    [end] => 1436891400
                    [capacity] => 15
                    [students] => 1


    [2] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [class] => Intermediate Technique/Progressions Ages 9+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436899500
                    [end] => 1436904900
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [1] => Array
                    [class] => Int/Adv Tap Ages 9+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436895900
                    [end] => 1436899500
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [2] => Array
                    [class] => Beginning Jazz/Contemporary Technique Ages 8+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436887800
                    [end] => 1436893200
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1


    [3] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [class] => Int/Adv Jazz 9+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436893200
                    [end] => 1436898600
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1

            [1] => Array
                    [class] => Int/Adv Ballet Barre Ages 9+
                    [session] => 0
                    [start] => 1436886000
                    [end] => 1436889600
                    [capacity] => 
                    [students] => 1



I would like to sort the the third level of the array (the classes) by their start time. I have tried a number of different solutions suggested on here for two level arrays, to no avail.

My latest attempt is:

array_walk($schedule, 'walk_cmp');

function walk_cmp($array, $key){
    usort($array, function($a, $b) { 
      return ($a['start'] > $b['start']) ? -1: 1;

我已经确认排序在 walk_cmp 中正常工作,但对数组的这些更改不会反射(reflect)在主数组中。




您的主要问题是,您将函数中的数组作为局部变量进行排序。所以你的原始数组不会改变。您必须传递数组 by reference.所以你的代码看起来像这样:

array_walk($schedule, "walk_cmp");

function walk_cmp(&$array, $key) {
                //^ See here
    uasort($array, function($a, $b) { 
        if($a['start'] == $b['start']) //If they are the same, return 0
            return 0;
        return ($a['start'] > $b['start']) ? -1 : 1;


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