php - 使用 phpmailer 从数据库发送电子邮件

标签 php mysqli phpmailer

我目前正在开发一个 php mysql 基础系统,该系统将从数据库向多个收件人发送电子邮件。我已经在论坛中搜索过,很多答案都是使用循环发送电子邮件给收件人。然后我尝试在电子邮件收件人中使用循环,但只能发送 1 封电子邮件(尽管数据库中有 5 个或更多电子邮件收件人)。你能告诉我,我的代码哪里错了? 下面是我的代码:

function send_message( $from, $to, $subject, $message_content )
    require_once "function.php";
    require_once( 'phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php' );

    //Initiate the mailer class
    $mail = new PHPMailer();

    //Check to see if SMTP creds have been defined
    if( defined( 'SMTP_USER' ) && defined( 'SMTP_PASS' ) && defined( 'SMTP_LOCATION' ) && defined( 'SMTP_PORT' ) )
        $mail->Host = SMTP_LOCATION;
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
        $mail->Port = SMTP_PORT;
        $mail->Username = SMTP_USER;
        $mail->Password = SMTP_PASS;

        if( defined( 'DEBUG' ) && DEBUG )
            $mail->SMTPDebug  = 1;   

    //Set the sender and receiver email addresses

    foreach ( $alamatmail as $datamail):
        $from="<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3a4242427a5d575b535614595557" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>";
            //Include the phpmailer files
            $mail->SetFrom( $from, "" );

            //We 'can' send to an array, in which case you'll want to explode at comma or line break
            if( is_array( $to ) )
                foreach( $to as $i )
                    $mail->addAddress( $i );
                $mail->AddAddress( $to, "" );

            //Set the message subject
            $mail->Subject = $subject;

            //Add the message header
            $message = file_get_contents( 'email-templates/email-header.php' );

            //Add the message body
            $message .= file_get_contents( 'email-templates/email-body.php' );

            //Add the message footer content
            $message .= file_get_contents( 'email-templates/email-footer.php' );

            //Replace the codetags with the message contents
            $replacements = array(
                '({message_subject})' => $subject, 
                '({message_body})' => nl2br( stripslashes( $message_content ) ),
            $message = preg_replace( array_keys( $replacements ), array_values( $replacements ), $message );

            //Make the generic plaintext separately due to lots of css and tables
            $plaintext = $message_content;
            $plaintext = strip_tags( stripslashes( $plaintext ), '<p><br><h2><h3><h1><h4>' );
            $plaintext = str_replace( array( '<p>', '<br />', '<br>', '<h1>', '<h2>', '<h3>', '<h4>' ), PHP_EOL, $plaintext );
            $plaintext = str_replace( array( '</p>', '</h1>', '</h2>', '</h3>', '</h4>' ), '', $plaintext );
            $plaintext = html_entity_decode( stripslashes( $plaintext ) );

            //Send the message as HTML
            $mail->MsgHTML( stripslashes( $message ) ); 
            //Set the plain text version just in case
            $mail->AltBody = $plaintext;
            $failed_error="email gagal dikirim";
            //Display success or error messages
            if( !$mail->Send() )
                return 'Message send failure: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
                   return $failed_error;

                //You'll usually want to just return true, but for the purposes of this
                //Example I'm returning the message contents
             //   return $message;
                return print_r($alamatmail);




return print_r($alamatmail);





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