Php Laravel 日期数组循环逻辑

标签 php arrays loops date laravel

我正在开发一个项目,该项目需要安排事件并能够在特定的时间长度内重复这些事件。我的目标是传递表单中的初始日期并将其增加 7,以便该日期将落在所选迭代次数的同一工作日。我已经计算出了新月份和新年份的日期。然而,在循环结束时,日期就结束了。错误示例:


    array:16 [
  0 => "2016-07-05"
  1 => "2016-07-12"
  2 => "2016-07-19"
  3 => "2016-07-26"
  4 => "2016-08-02"
  5 => "2016-08-09"
  6 => "2016-08-16"
  7 => "2016-08-23"
  8 => "2016-08-30"
  9 => "2016-09-06"
  10 => "2016-09-13"
  11 => "2016-09-20"
  12 => "2016-09-27"
  13 => "2016-10-03" --> should be 10-04
  14 => "2016-10-10" --> should be 10-11
  15 => "2016-10-17" --> should be 10-18


array:16 [
  0 => "2016-12-01"
  1 => "2016-12-08"
  2 => "2016-12-15"
  3 => "2016-12-22"
  4 => "2016-12-29"
  5 => "2017-01-05"
  6 => "2017-01-12"
  7 => "2017-01-19"
  8 => "2017-01-26"
  9 => "2017-02-02"
  10 => "2017-02-09"
  11 => "2017-02-16"
  12 => "2017-02-23"
  13 => "2017-03-02"
  14 => "2017-03-06" --> should be 03-09
  15 => "2017-03-13" --> should be 03-16


首先,我将请求从 Controller 传递到模型。然后我获取初始日期并将其分解为初始年、月和日。现在我正在根据可用类(class)的限制进行每周重复。我将初始日期增加 7,考虑到它是否超过了该月的天数,并在需要时增加该月和年份。我制作的每个日期都被插入上面的数组中。您能帮忙找到导致日期接近循环末尾的缺失步骤吗?

    public static function repeat_array($request){
    $repeat = $request->get('repeat_event');
    $iteration = $request->get('repeat_iteration');
    $initial = $request->get('date');

    $mySets = Packages::my_sets();
    $myReps = Packages::my_reps();
    $initial_Y = date('Y',strtotime($initial));
    $initial_M = date('m',strtotime($initial));
    $initial_D = date('d',strtotime($initial));

    $days_in_month = date('t',strtotime($initial_Y.'-'.$initial_M.'-01'));
    $current_count = CalenderEvents::class_count();

    $class_limit = $mySets*$myReps;

    if($current_count >= $class_limit){
        dd('too many');
    } else{
        if($repeat == 'weekly'){
            if($iteration == 'Null'){
                $weekly_array = [];
                $loop_date = $initial_D;
                $loop_month = $initial_M;
                $loop_year = $initial_Y;
                for($i = 0; $i < $class_limit; $i++){   -> //loop through the dates until limit is reached.
                    if($i == 0){   --> push the initial date as the first value in array. 
                        array_push($weekly_array, $initial);
                    } else{     --> increment the day by 7. 

                        $loop_date = $loop_date + 7;

                    if ($loop_date > $days_in_month){   --> //when the dates surpasses the amount of days in the month increment the month and subtract 30 from the total to get correct date. 

                            $loop_date = $loop_date - 30;

                        if($loop_month > 12){

                            $loop_month = 1;
                            $loop_date = $loop_date - 1;

                                $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($loop_year.'-'.$loop_month.'-'.$loop_date));

                                array_push($weekly_array, $date);

                            } else{

                                $loop_date = $loop_date - 1;

                                $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($loop_year.'-'.$loop_month.'-'.$loop_date));

                                array_push($weekly_array, $date);

                        } else{

                            $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($loop_year.'-'.$loop_month.'-'.$loop_date));

                            array_push($weekly_array, $date);

        $remainder = $class_limit - $current_count;

    return true;


您可以使用relative formats使用 php 中的日期来插入日期。

使用 DateTime 类初始化日期

$date = new DateTime($initial)


$weekly_array[] = $date->format('Y-m-d')


$date = $date->modify('+1 week');
$weekly_array[] = $date->format('Y-m-d')

这可以很好地处理明年的过渡,如 ideone example 所示。 .

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