powershell - 测试连接内解析 DnsName

标签 powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0

我想知道如何从我的 Test-Connection 脚本返回 Resolve-DnsName 输出并将其添加到我创建的 CSV 中。


仅当 ping 不成功时才调用 Resolve-DnsName

$servers = Get-Content "servers.txt"
$collection = $()
foreach ($server in $servers)
    $status = @{ "ServerName" = $server; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s) }
    $result = Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($result)
        $status.Results = "Up"
        $status.IP =  ($result.IPV4Address).IPAddressToString
        $status.Results = "Down"
        $status.IP = "N/A"
        $status.DNS = if (-not(Resolve-DnsName -Name $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
            Write-Output -Verbose "$server -- Not Resolving"
            "$server resolving"
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $status -OutVariable serverStatus

    $collection += $serverStatus
$collection | Export-Csv -LiteralPath .\ServerStatus3.csv -NoTypeInformation

但 CSV 中没有添加任何新内容。


您遇到了 PowerShell 问题。 PowerShell 确定第一个处理的对象的表格/CSV 输出中显示的列。如果该对象没有 DNS 属性,则该列将不会显示在输出中,即使列表中的其他对象确实具有该属性。如果其他对象不具有第一个对象中存在的属性,它们将显示为空值。


PS C:\> $a = (New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{'a'=1; 'b'=2}),
>> (New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{'a'=3; 'b'=4; 'c'=5}),
>> (New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{'b'=6; 'c'=7})
PS C:\> $a | Format-Table -AutoSize

a b
- -
1 2
3 4

PS C:\> $a[1..2] | Format-Table -AutoSize

c b a
- - -
5 4 3
7 6

If you want to generate tabular output always create your objects uniformly with the same set of properties. Choosing sensible defaults even allows you to reduce your total codebase.

$collection = foreach ($server in $servers) {
  $status = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
    'ServerName' = $server
    'TimeStamp'  = Get-Date -f s
    'Results'    = 'Down'
    'IP'         = 'N/A'
    'HasDNS'     = [bool](Resolve-DnsName -Name $server -EA SilentlyContinue)

  $result = Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -EA SilentlyContinue

  if ($result) {
    $status.Results = 'Up'
    $status.IP      =  ($result.IPV4Address).IPAddressToString


关于powershell - 测试连接内解析 DnsName,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36606073/


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