recursion - 为什么 Lean 强制递归类型参数出现在非递归类型参数之后?

标签 recursion functional-programming recursive-datastructures induction lean

以下定义被 Lean 拒绝:

inductive natlist
| nil : natlist
| cons: natlist → ℕ → natlist

错误消息“'natlist.cons'的arg #2不是递归的,但它发生在递归参数之后


inductive natlist
| nil : natlist
| cons: ℕ → natlist → natlist



Lean 的归纳类型实现基于 P. Dybjer (1994) 的“归纳族”论文:

Backhouse [Bac88] and Coquand and Paulin [COP90] allowed the inessential generalisation where recursive premises may precede non-recursive ones. I prefer to put all non-recursive premises before the recursive ones, since the former cannot depend on the latter here (but the situation changes in [Dyb92]). This restriction simplifies the presentation of the scheme and emphasises the relationship with the well-orderings.

请注意,最近的 commit删除了此限制,您的第一个定义现在可以使用。

关于recursion - 为什么 Lean 强制递归类型参数出现在非递归类型参数之后?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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