sql-server - 如何在sql server中使用像pivote结果

标签 sql-server stored-procedures

 Insert into @temp3
 Distinct t.staffName,
    attendDate = convert(date,t.AttendDate)

  , t.staffId
  , t.Firmid
  , t.attendId
  , CheckIn  = convert(time(0),t.AttendDate)
  , CheckOut = convert(time(0),x.AttendDate)
from @temp2 as t
outer  apply (
  select top 1 i.AttendDate
  from @temp2  as i
  where t.staffid = i.staffid
    and i.attendDate > t.attendDate
  order by i.attendDate desc
) x
where t.InOutMode = 'CheckIn'

How to get First CheckIn and Last Check Out Value?

[I want to display checkIn and CheckOut as a column 请检查第一张图片我想获得第一次 checkin 和最后一次 checkout

我有以下结果,我想将 checkin 和 checkout 显示为列 喜欢

atteDate  | staffName      |  staffId | Firmid |attendId | CheckIn |CheckOut |
2014-11-13|Urvashi A Patel |7023     |6012 | 204 | 9:30:03 | 18:34:17


使用聚合查询,按 attendDate 的日期分组。

    attendDate = convert(date,t.AttendDate)
  , t.staffName
  , t.staffId
  , t.Firmid
  , attendId   = min(t.attendId)
  , CheckIn    = min(convert(time(0),t.AttendDate))
  , CheckOut   = max(convert(time(0),t.AttendDate))
from t
group by 
  , t.staffId
  , t.Firmid
  , convert(date,t.attendDate)


如果是这种情况,则使用 common table expression可能有帮助。

;with cte as (
/* query that does stuff to get the results in your question */

    attendDate = convert(date,t.AttendDate)
  , t.staffName
  , t.staffId
  , t.Firmid
  , attendId   = min(t.attendId)
  , CheckIn    = min(convert(time(0),t.AttendDate))
  , CheckOut   = max(convert(time(0),t.AttendDate))
from t
group by 
  , t.staffId
  , t.Firmid
  , convert(date,t.attendDate)

关于sql-server - 如何在sql server中使用像pivote结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43046216/


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