polymer - 无法理解 Polymer 2.0 自定义元素属性?

标签 polymer polymer-2.x

class DemoElement extends Polymer.Element {
  static get is() { return "demo-element" }
  static get properties() {
    return {
      prop1 : {
        notify: true,
        reflectToAttriubute: true, 

我无法理解此处属性的 notifyreflectToAttribute 设置。谁能用一些简单适用的例子来解释一下?




notify Type: boolean

If true, the property is available for two-way data binding. In addition, an event, property-name-changed is fired whenever the property changes. See Property change notification events (notify) for more information.


A notifying property supports upward data flow. By default, properties are non-notifying, and don't support upward data flow.

意味着用户对此属性所做的任何更改都将通过 dom 树“向上”传播,或“目标到主机”


  class XTarget extends Polymer.Element {

    static get is() {return 'x-target';}

    static get properties() {
      return {
        someProp: {
          type: String,
          notify: true


  customElements.define(XTarget.is, XTarget);

<dom-module id="x-host">
    <!-- changes to "value" propagate downward to "someProp" on target -->
    <!-- changes to "someProp" propagate upward to "value" on host  -->
    <x-target some-prop="{{value}}"></x-target>
    class XHost extends Polymer.Element {

      static get is() {return 'x-host';}


    customElements.define(XHost.is, XHost);



reflectToAttribute Type: boolean

Set to true to cause the corresponding attribute to be set on the host node when the property value changes. If the property value is Boolean, the attribute is created as a standard HTML boolean attribute (set if true, not set if false). For other property types, the attribute value is a string representation of the property value. Equivalent to reflect in Polymer 0.5. See Reflecting properties to attributes for more information.

简而言之,reflectToAttribute 的存在是为了提高性能。除非指定为 true,否则polymer 会避免操纵 dom 属性。如果指定为 true,该属性将更新 dom 元素属性。


iron-checked-element-behavior 可能是将属性反射回属性的最规范的示例。

html 中的复选框,为了满足规范,应该有一个选中时出现的选中属性。

   checked: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
        reflectToAttribute: true,
        notify: true,
        observer: '_checkedChanged'




<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" on-tap="_onCheckTap">
//this.checked is inherited from L43
      behaviors: [Polymer.IronCheckedElementBehavior],
  _onCheckTap: function() {
    this.checked = this.$.checkbox.checked;

关于polymer - 无法理解 Polymer 2.0 自定义元素属性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44753879/


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