c# - 在c#中使用xelement创建动态xml

标签 c# xml xelement

我想使用 XElement 创建 xml,如您所见:

XDocument RejectedXmlList = new XDocument
    new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null)
int RejectCounter = 0;

foreach (Parameter Myparameter in Parameters)
    if (true)
        XElement xelement = new XElement(Myparameter.ParameterName, CurrentData.ToString());

如您所见,如果条件正常,则应将参数添加到 RejectedXmlList 但我收到此异常:

This operation would create an incorrectly structured document.





您正在尝试创建 XDocument多个 root elements ,各一个ParameterParameters你不能这样做,因为 XML standard不允许这样做:

There is exactly one element, called the root, or document element, no part of which appears in the content of any other element.

LINQ to XML API 强制执行此约束,并抛出当您尝试向文档添加第二个根元素时看到的异常。

相反,添加一个根元素,例如<Rejectedparameters> ,然后添加您的 xelement children :

// Allocate the XDocument and add an XML declaration.  
XDocument RejectedXmlList = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null));

// At this point RejectedXmlList.Root is still null, so add a unique root element.
RejectedXmlList.Add(new XElement("Rejectedparameters"));

// Add elements for each Parameter to the root element
foreach (Parameter Myparameter in Parameters)
    if (true)
        XElement xelement = new XElement(Myparameter.ParameterName, CurrentData.ToString());

样本fiddle .

关于c# - 在c#中使用xelement创建动态xml,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44993196/


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