PHP 商店营业时间晚上

标签 php date time

因此,我尝试使用 PHP 为访问者可以订购的网上商店创建打开和关闭消息。


1 12:00-22:00
2 12:00-23:00
3 closed-closed
4 12:00-02:50
5 12:00-23:00

前三天是这样。打印关闭消息非常容易,因为您只需将字符串与日期(“Hi”)进行比较并检查当前时间是否在商店营业时间之间。但到了第四天,要通宵达旦,我就开始挣扎了。当时间达到 00:00 时,它当然会检查第 5 天的截止日期,而实际上,它应该检查晚上是否开放。




$open_close = explode('-', $hours);

// current date and time
$now = new DateTime();

// clone the current datetime and explicity set the time to the open time
$open = clone $now;
$open_time = explode(':', $open_close[0]);
call_user_func_array([$open, 'setTime'], $open_time);

// do the same for the close time
$close_time = explode(':', $open_close[1]);
$close = clone $now;
call_user_func_array([$close, 'setTime'], $close_time);

// if close is greater than close, the close must be the next day unless its a data entry error, but we cant really prevent that, so assume its good and modify the date time for close to be the next day
if ($open > $close) {
   $close->modify('+1 day');

// now a basic comparison to see if $now is between $open and $close
if ($now < $close && $now >= $open) {
  echo 'OPEN';
} else {
  echo 'Closed';


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