hyperledger - 如何在 Hyperledger Sawtooth 中进行私密交易?

标签 hyperledger hyperledger-sawtooth

有没有办法在 SawTooth 中进行私密交易?

我知道 HyperLedger Fabric 有“ channel ”并且 Quorum 有私有(private)交易,所以寻找类似的东西但没有看到它:




由于 Sawtooth 已获得许可,因此可以设置具有不同角色和访问权限的用户。这将允许您创建特定身份私有(private)的交易。

您可以configure验证器仅接受来自本地配置文件中列出的身份的交易。或者,使用身份命名空间来设置允许的身份,当从客户端接收交易或验证 block 时,将检查这些身份。

请参阅identity transaction family有关 Sawtooth 如何管理身份和权限的更多详细信息:

The identity system described here is an extensible role and policy based system for defining permissions in a way which can be utilized by other pieces of the architecture. This includes the existing permissioning components for transactor key and validator key, but in the future may also be used by transaction family implementations.

The identity namespace:

  1. Encompasses ways to identify participants based on public keys
  2. Stores a set of permit and deny rules called “policies”
  3. Stores the roles that those policies apply to

关于hyperledger - 如何在 Hyperledger Sawtooth 中进行私密交易?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48887018/


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