haskell - 定义增量环境而不会遇到重叠实例

标签 haskell overlapping-instances



type Name = String

data Fruit = Orange | Pear | Apple

data Vegetable = Cucumber | Carrot | Spinach

data Legume = Lentils | Chickpeas | BlackEyedPeas

class HasFruit e where
    getFruit :: e -> Name -> Maybe Fruit

class HasVegetable e where
    getVegetable :: e -> Name -> Maybe Vegetable

class HasLegume e where
    getLegume :: e -> Name -> Maybe Legume


data Smootie

mkSmoothie :: (HasFruit e, HasVegetable e) => e -> Smootie
mkSmoothie = undefined

data Salad

mkSalad :: (HasVegetable e, HasLegume e) => e -> Salad
mkSalad = undefined

我们为 Has* 定义一些实例:

instance HasFruit [Fruit] where
    getFruit = undefined

instance HasVegetable [Vegetable] where
    getVegetable = undefined

instance HasLegume [Legume] where
    getLegume = undefined


cook :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook = let ingredients = undefined in
    (mkSmoothie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)


instance HasFruit e0 => HasFruit (e0, e1, e2) where
    getFruit (e0, _, _) = getFruit e0

instance HasVegetable e1 => HasVegetable (e0, e1, e2) where
    getVegetable (_, e1, _) = getVegetable e1

instance HasLegume e2 => HasLegume (e0, e1, e2) where
    getLegume (_, _, e2) = getLegume e2

cook :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook = let ingredients = ([Orange], [Cucumber], [BlackEyedPeas]) in
    (mkSmoothie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)

尽管这很麻烦,但还是有效的。但现在假设我们 决定添加一个 mkStew,它需要一些 HasMeat 实例。 然后我们必须更改上面的所有实例。此外, 如果我们想单独使用 mkSmothie,我们不能仅仅 传递 ([Orange], [Cucumber]) 因为没有定义实例 为了它。


data Sum a b = Sum a b


instance HasFruit e0 => HasFruit (Sum e0 e1) where
    getFruit (Sum e0 _) = getFruit e0

instance HasVegetable e1 => HasVegetable (Sum e0 e1) where
    getVegetable (Sum _ e1) = getVegetable e1

instance HasLegume e1 => HasLegume (Sum e0 e1) where
    getLegume (Sum _ e1) = getLegume e1

但以下内容不起作用(没有 HasVegetable [Legume] 实例):

cook1 :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook1 = let ingredients = Sum [Orange] (Sum [Cucumber] [BlackEyedPeas]) in
    (mkSmoothie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)


instance HasVegetable e0 => HasVegetable (Sum e0 e1) where
    getVegetable (Sum e0 e1) = getVegetable e0



当前 Sum 实例的问题是我们不知道我们正在寻找的对象是在左边还是在右边。





-- Tree of capabilities (ingredient categories)
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)


type family Contents basket :: Tree *

type instance Contents [Fruit] = 'Leaf Fruit
type instance Contents [Vegetable] = 'Leaf Vegetable
type instance Contents [Legume] = 'Leaf Legume

-- Pair of environments
data a :& b = a :& b  -- "Sum" was confusing

-- The capabilities of a pair are the pair of their capabilities.
type instance Contents (a :& b) = 'Node (Contents a) (Contents b)

-- e.g., Contents ([Fruit] :& [Vegetable]) = 'Node ('Leaf Fruit) ('Leaf Vegetable)


正如一开始提到的,当遇到一对 :& 时,我们需要判断是在左组件还是右组件中查找能力。因此,我们从一个函数(在类型级别)开始,如果可以在树中找到该功能,该函数将返回 True

type family In (x :: *) (ys :: Tree *) :: Bool where
  In x (Leaf y) = x == y
  In x (Node l r) = In x l || In x r

type family x == y :: Bool where
  x == x = 'True
  x == y = 'False

这个类现在有一个父类(super class)约束:我们正在寻找的功能确实可用。

class (In item (Contents basket) ~ 'True)
      => Has item basket where
  get :: basket -> Name -> Maybe item

这似乎是多余的,因为如果找不到该功能,实例解析无论如何都会失败,但精确的父类(super class)约束有好处:

  • 防止错误:如果缺少某些内容,编译器会提前发出警告;

  • 一种文档形式,通知我们实例何时可能存在。


instance Has Fruit [Fruit] where
  get = (...)

instance Has Vegetable [Vegetable] where
  get = (...)

instance Has Legume [Legume] where
  get = (...)

我们不需要编写诸如Has Fruit [Vegetable]之类的可疑实例;我们实际上不能:它们会与父类(super class)约束相矛盾。


我们需要遵循一个新类,PairHas,它将区分两侧 In 谓词的结果,以确定要放大环境的哪一部分.

instance PairHas item a b (In item (Contents a)) (In item (Contents b))
         => Has item (a :& b) where
  get = getPair

我们再次使父类(super class)约束对于 PairHas 的意图更加精确。 inAinB 只能分别用 In item (Contents a)In item (Contents b) 实例化,并且它们的析取应该为 True,这意味着 item 可以在其中至少一个中找到。

class ( In item (Contents a) ~ inA
      , In item (Contents b) ~ inB
      , (inA || inB) ~ 'True)
      => PairHas item a b inA inB where
  getPair :: (a :& b) -> Name -> Maybe item

当然,我们有两个实例分别向左和向右移动,使用递归 Has 约束(请注意,Has 通过其自己的父类(super class)约束提供了一个相等性)。

instance ( Has item a
         , In item (Contents b) ~ 'False)
         => PairHas item a b 'True 'False where
  getPair (a :& _) = get a

instance ( In item (Contents a) ~ 'False
         , Has item b)
         => PairHas item a b 'False 'True where
  getPair (_ :& b) = get b

如果双方能力相同怎么办?我们将认为这是一个错误,并要求用户通过其他机制显式隐藏重复功能之一。我们可以使用 TypeError 在编译时打印自定义错误消息。我们也可以默认选择任一侧。

instance (TypeError (Text "Duplicate contents")  -- can be more descriptive
         , In item (Contents a) ~ 'True
         , In item (Contents b) ~ 'True)
         => PairHas item a b 'True 'True where
  getPair = undefined

我们还可以为双方都为假的情况编写自定义错误消息。这有点令人惊讶,因为这与父类(super class)约束 (inA || inB) ~ 'True 相矛盾,但消息确实被打印出来,所以我们不会提示。

instance ( TypeError (Text "Not found")  -- can be more descriptive
         , In item (Contents a) ~ 'False
         , In item (Contents b) ~ 'False
         , 'False ~ 'True)
         => PairHas item a b 'False 'False where
  getPair = undefined



cook :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook = let ingredients = [Orange] :& [Cucumber] :& [BlackEyedPeas] in
  (mkSmootie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)


cook :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook = let ingredients = [Orange] :& [Cucumber] :& [BlackEyedPeas] :& [Pear] in
  (mkSmootie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)

-- error: Duplicate contents

cook :: (Smootie, Salad)
cook = let ingredients = [Orange] :& [Cucumber] in
  (mkSmootie ingredients, mkSalad ingredients)

-- error: Not found

关于haskell - 定义增量环境而不会遇到重叠实例,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49545045/


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