Haskell ReadFile 对现有文件失败

标签 haskell readfile io-monad

我正在 Haskell 中编写一个函数作为编译器的一部分来打开一个文件,从中读取一组文件名并将它们连接成一个字符串。该代码在 ghci 中运行良好,但在使用以下内容编译时失败:

fact.fn: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)



compile [fileName] = do  
             (ilude, contents) <- imports fileName
             let lude = "prelude.fn" : ilude
             prld <- fmap fullPrelude (mapM readFile lude) --seems to fail here, 
--but works fine in the interpreter
             let newPrld = unlines [prld, "\nend"]
             runEvalWith HappyParser.parseExpr fileName contents newPrld

imports :: String -> IO ([String], String)
imports fileName = do 
    contents <- readFile fileName
    let ls = lines contents
    let ifile = filter (isPrefixOf "import") ls {-find import string here-}
    let contentList = filter (\w -> w `notElem` ifile) ls
    let impts = mapMaybe (stripPrefix "import") ifile
    return (impts, (unlines contentList) )

fullPrelude :: [String] -> String
fullPrelude [] = ""
fullPrelude xs = unlines( map (procPrelude) xs)

procPrelude :: String -> String
procPrelude pld = unlines(init(words pld))



import fact.fn


*** Exception:  fact.fn: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Exception:fact.fn 之间有两个空格而不是一个空格,则文件名开头会有一个额外的空格。


关于Haskell ReadFile 对现有文件失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52244116/


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