f# - 尽管程序正常运行,类型提供程序 'ProviderImplementation.JsonProvider' 仍报告错误

标签 f# .net-core visual-studio-2017 f#-data

我正在使用 .net Core 和 Visual Studio 2017 编写一个服务。我想使用 JSON 进行配置,因此我定义了这样的类型:

type ServiceConfig = JsonProvider<"exampleConfig.json", EmbeddedResource="MyService, exampleConfig.json", SampleIsList = true>


let conf = ServiceConfig.Load "config.json"

当我运行它时,它工作正常,但在 VS 2017 中我得到一条红色波浪线,错误日志显示:

FS3033 The type provider 'ProviderImplementation.JsonProvider' reported an error in the context of provided type 'FSharp.Data.JsonProvider,Sample="exampleConfig.json",SampleIsList="True",EmbeddedResource="MyService, exampleConfig.json"', member 'Load'. The error: Method 'FSharp.Data.Runtime.BaseTypes.IJsonDocument Create(System.IO.TextReader, System.String)' not found in type ''. This method may be missing in the types available in the target assemblies.




let sample = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/exampleConfig.json"
type ServiceConfig = 
    JsonProvider< sample, EmbeddedResource="MyService, e
                  xampleConfig.json", SampleIsList = true >

关于f# - 尽管程序正常运行,类型提供程序 'ProviderImplementation.JsonProvider' 仍报告错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53541883/


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