php - Yii2 - 在运行时附加组件

标签 php yii2

我确实从数据库中动态询问了组件中设置值的问题,为 swiftmailer 提供了示例。同样得到了完美的回答here

但该答案仅适用于邮件程序组件,因此我如何实现类似的功能,例如,我需要在 config.php 中添加如下值:

'pp' => [ 
    'class' => 'app/components/paypal', // note: this has to correspond with the newly created folder, else you'd get a ReflectionError

     // Next up, we set the public parameters of the class
    'client_id' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID-FROM-PAYPAL',
    'client_secret' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET-FROM-PAYPAL',
    // You may choose to include other configuration options from PayPal
    // as they have specified in the documentation


如果您需要在运行时从数据库提供这些凭据,您可以使用 setComponents() 通过代码进行定义。 yii\base\Application 类的方法,您可以在其中从数据库中检索 paypal 的设置并将其从配置文件中删除。


        'pp' => [
            'class' => 'app/components/paypal', //note: this has to correspond with the newly created folder, else you'd get a ReflectionError

            // Next up, we set the public parameters of the class
            'client_id' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID-FROM-PAYPAL',
            'client_secret' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET-FROM-PAYPAL'
            // You may choose to include other configuration options from PayPal
            // as they have specified in the documentation

//now you can call the desired method for the pp with the above credentials

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