haskell - 使用存在类型 Haskell 时出现类型错误

标签 haskell

我正在 Haskell 中进行存在类型的实验。我正在构建一个非常短的 Json 库,并尝试构建一个折叠。 我在使用 forall 量词的代码中遇到错误!

class (Show m) => JsonValue m

instance JsonValue Int
instance JsonValue Double
instance JsonValue String
instance JsonValue Bool

data Json = JObject [(String, Json)]
          | JArray [Json]
          | forall a . (JsonValue a) => JValue a

foldJ :: ([(String, b)] -> b) -> ([b] -> b) -> forall a . (JsonValue a) => (a -> b) -> Json -> b
foldJ object array value (JObject xs) = object $ map (bimap id (foldJ object array value)) xs
foldJ object array value (JArray xs)  = array $ map (foldJ object array value) xs
foldJ object array value (JValue x)   = value x -- ERROR HERE

我正在使用-XExistentialTypes -XFlexibleInstances -XRank2Types


Json.hs:335:47: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘a1’
      ‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          JValue :: forall a. JsonValue a => a -> Json,
        in an equation for ‘foldJ’
        at Json.hs:335:27-34
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          foldJ :: ([(String, b)] -> b)
                   -> ([b] -> b) -> forall a. JsonValue a => (a -> b) -> Json -> b
        at Json.hs:(333,1)-(335,47)
    • In the first argument of ‘value’, namely ‘x’
      In the expression: value x
      In an equation for ‘foldJ’:
          foldJ object array value (JValue x) = value x
    • Relevant bindings include
        x :: a1 (bound at Json.hs:335:34)
        value :: a -> b (bound at Json.hs:335:20)
335 | foldJ object array value (JValue x)   = value x
    |                                               ^
Failed, one module loaded.




foldJ :: ([(String, b)] -> b)
         -> ( ([b] -> b)
              -> ( ∀ a . (JsonValue a)
                      => (a -> b) -> (Json -> b)

并不是说 ∀ 量化了第二个应用程序的结果。因此它处于协变位置,这意味着无论谁使用该函数都可以选择 a 的类型。事实上你的签名相当于

foldJ :: JsonValue a
  => ([(String, b)] -> b) -> ([b] -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (Json -> b)

但这不是你想要表达的:调用者无法选择类型,因为它隐藏在 json 结构中!

您真正想要的是让量化器仅在 a -> b 参数上运行,即调用者必须提供一个适用于的参数任何类型 a

foldJ :: ([(String, b)] -> b)
         -> ( ([b] -> b)
              -> ( (∀ a . (JsonValue a) => (a -> b))
                    -> (Json -> b)

关于haskell - 使用存在类型 Haskell 时出现类型错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58060824/


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