ruby - 有没有办法使用两个 while 循环对 NDS 中子哈希的元素求和?

标签 ruby multidimensional-array nested


result =
i = 0 #which movie director's hash we're on
while i < nds.length do
  j = 0 # which key in each director's hash
  while j < nds[i][:movies].length do
    total += nds[i][:movies][j][:worldwide_gross].to_i
    j += 1 
  i += 1 
  result[name] = total
return result


nds = [{
  :name => "Stephen Spielberg",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Jaws",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 260000000,
    :release_year => 1975
  }, {
    :title => "Close Encounters of the Third Kind",
    :studio => "Columbia",
    :worldwide_gross => 135189114,
    :release_year => 1977
  }, {
    :title => "Raiders of the Lost Ark",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 248159971,
    :release_year => 1981
  }, {
    :title => "E.T. the Extra-terrestrial",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 435110554,
    :release_year => 1982
  }, {
    :title => "Schindler's List",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 96898818,
    :release_year => 1993
  }, {
    :title => "Lincoln",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 182207973,
    :release_year => 2012
}, {
  :name => "Russo Brothers",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Avengers Endgame",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 858371337,
    :release_year => 2019
  }, {
    :title => "Avengers Infinity War",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 678815482,
    :release_year => 2018
  }, {
    :title => "Captain America Civil War",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 408084349,
    :release_year => 2016
  }, {
    :title => "Captain America The Winter Soldier",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 259766572,
    :release_year => 2014
  }, {
    :title => "You, Me and Dupree",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 75628110,
    :release_year => 2006
  }, {
    :title => "Welcome to Collinwood",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 336620,
    :release_year => 2002
}, {
  :name => "James Cameron",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Avatar",
    :studio => "Fox",
    :worldwide_gross => 760507625,
    :release_year => 2009
  }, {
    :title => "Titanic",
    :studio => "Paramout",
    :worldwide_gross => 659363944,
    :release_year => 1997
  }, {
    :title => "Titanic",
    :studio => "Paramout",
    :worldwide_gross => 659363944,
    :release_year => 1997
  }, {
    :title => "Terminator 2 Judgment Day",
    :studio => "TriStar",
    :worldwide_gross => 205881154,
    :release_year => 1991
  }, {
    :title => "True Lies",
    :studio => "Fox",
    :worldwide_gross => 146282411,
    :release_year => 1994
  }, {
    :title => "Aliens",
    :studio => "Fox",
    :worldwide_gross => 85160248,
    :release_year => 1986
  }, {
    :title => "The Abyss",
    :studio => "Fox",
    :worldwide_gross => 54461047,
    :release_year => 1989
}, {
  :name => "Spike Lee",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Inside Man",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 88513495,
    :release_year => 2006
  }, {
    :title => "BlacKkKlansman",
    :studio => "Focus",
    :worldwide_gross => 49275340,
    :release_year => 2018
  }, {
    :title => "Malcolm X",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 48169910,
    :release_year => 1992
  }, {
    :title => "The Original Kings of Comedy",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 38182790,
    :release_year => 2000
  }, {
    :title => "Jungle Fever",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 32482682,
    :release_year => 1991
}, {
  :name => "Wachowski Siblings",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "The Matrix Reloaded",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 281576461,
    :release_year => 2003
  }, {
    :title => "The Matrix",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 171479930,
    :release_year => 1999
  }, {
    :title => "The Matrix Revolutions",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 139313948,
    :release_year => 2003
  }, {
    :title => "Jupiter Ascending",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 139313948,
    :release_year => 2015
  }, {
    :title => "Speed Racer",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 47387723,
    :release_year => 2008
  }, {
    :title => "Cloud Atlas",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 27108272,
    :release_year => 2012
}, {
  :name => "Robert Zemeckis",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Forrest Gump",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 330455270,
    :release_year => 1994
  }, {
    :title => "Cast Away",
    :studio => "Fox",
    :worldwide_gross => 233632142,
    :release_year => 2000
  }, {
    :title => "Back to the Future",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 210609762,
    :release_year => 1985
  }, {
    :title => "The Polar Express",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 187224490,
    :release_year => 2004
  }, {
    :title => "Who Framed Roger Rabbit",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 156452370,
    :release_year => 1988
  }, {
    :title => "What Lies Beneath",
    :studio => "Dreamworks",
    :worldwide_gross => 155464351,
    :release_year => 2000
}, {
  :name => "Quentin Tarantino",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "Django Unchained",
    :studio => "Weinstein",
    :worldwide_gross => 162805434,
    :release_year => 2012
  }, {
    :title => "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood",
    :studio => "Sony",
    :worldwide_gross => 135156125,
    :release_year => 2019
  }, {
    :title => "Inglourious Basterds",
    :studio => "Weinstein",
    :worldwide_gross => 120540719,
    :release_year => 2009
  }, {
    :title => "Pulp Fiction",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 107928762,
    :release_year => 1994
  }, {
    :title => "Kill Bill Vol. 1",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 70099045,
    :release_year => 2003
  }, {
    :title => "Kill Bill Vol. 1",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 66208183,
    :release_year => 2004
}, {
  :name => "Martin Scorsese",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "The Departed",
    :studio => "Warner Brothers",
    :worldwide_gross => 132384315,
    :release_year => 2006
  }, {
    :title => "Shutter Island",
    :studio => "Paramous",
    :worldwide_gross => 128012934,
    :release_year => 2010
  }, {
    :title => "The Wolf of Wall Street",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 116900694,
    :release_year => 2013
  }, {
    :title => "The Aviator",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 102610330,
    :release_year => 2004
  }, {
    :title => "Cape Fear",
    :studio => "Universal",
    :worldwide_gross => 79091969,
    :release_year => 1991
  }, {
    :title => "Gangs of New York",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 77812000,
    :release_year => 2002
}, {
  :name => "Francis Ford Coppola",
  :movies => [{
    :title => "The Godfather",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 134966411,
    :release_year => 1972
  }, {
    :title => "Apocalypse Now",
    :studio => "MGM",
    :worldwide_gross => 83471511,
    :release_year => 1979
  }, {
    :title => "Apocalypse Now Redux",
    :studio => "Miramax",
    :worldwide_gross => 83471511,
    :release_year => 2001
  }, {
    :title => "Bram Stoker's Dracula",
    :studio => "Columbia",
    :worldwide_gross => 82522790,
    :release_year => 1992
  }, {
    :title => "The Godfather Part III",
    :studio => "Paramount",
    :worldwide_gross => 66666062,
    :release_year => 1990
  }, {
    :title => "Jack",
    :studio => "Buena Vista",
    :worldwide_gross => 58620973,
    :release_year => 1996


  "Stephen Spielberg"=>1357566430,
  "Russo Brothers"=>2281002470,
  "James Cameron"=>2571020373,
  "Spike Lee"=>256624217,
  "Wachowski Siblings"=>806180282,
  "Robert Zemeckis"=>1273838385,
  "Quentin Tarantino"=>662738268,
  "Martin Scorsese"=>636812242,
  "Francis Ford Coppola"=>509719258

我的输出没有返回,因为它说 nil 无法添加到总数中。



# to_h example
# (1..3).to_h { |num| [num, num + 10] } #=> {1=>11, 2=>12, 3=>13}

pp nds.to_h do |director| 
  [director[:name], director[:movies].sum { |movie| movie[:worldwide_gross] }]


  "Stephen Spielberg"=>1357566430,
  "Russo Brothers"=>2281002470,
  "James Cameron"=>2571020373,
  "Spike Lee"=>256624217,
  "Wachowski Siblings"=>806180282,
  "Robert Zemeckis"=>1273838385,
  "Quentin Tarantino"=>662738268,
  "Martin Scorsese"=>636812242,
  "Francis Ford Coppola"=>509719258

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