vba - 使用 1 :1 aspect ratio 将图像裁剪为圆形

标签 vba powerpoint

我正在尝试获取一个脚本,它将图像裁剪为纵横比 1:1 的圆形,下面是我正在尝试的脚本,但它裁剪为椭圆形。

Sub CropToCircle()
    Dim shp As Shape
    Set shp = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)

    If shp.Type = msoLinkedPicture Or shp.Type = msoPicture Then
        shp.AutoShapeType = msoShapeOval
    End If
End Sub




您选择的任何裁剪形状的尺寸都取决于原始形状。如果您的形状是正方形并应用 msoShapeOval,您的裁剪区域将是圆形。但如果您的原始图像形状是矩形,您有两个选择:

  1. 如果形状的.LockAspectRatiomsoFalse,那么你可以修改宽度或高度来创建一个方形图像,然后应用你的裁剪,它就会出来作为一个圆圈。
  2. 如果形状的 .LockAspectRatiomsoTrue 并且您无法更改它(即,它会以不希望的方式扭曲原始图像),那么您需要一种不同的方法。


enter image description here

这个想法是添加一个与原始图像大小(宽度和高度)相同的矩形,然后在矩形顶部创建一个您需要的大小(直径)的圆。在下面的示例中,我使用的(随机)圆圈大小为原始图像高度的 80%。然后,将这两个形状(矩形和圆形)组合成一个形状 - 一个中间有孔的矩形。最后,将蒙版形状的背景和边框颜色设置为与幻灯片背景相同。

Option Explicit

Sub CropToCircle()
    Dim ppt As Presentation
    Set ppt = ActivePresentation

    Dim theSlide As Slide
    Set theSlide = ppt.Slides(1)

    Dim ogPicture As Shape
    Set ogPicture = theSlide.Shapes(1)

    With ogPicture
        If (.Type = msoLinkedPicture) Or (.Type = msoPicture) Then
            Dim maskRectangle As Shape
            Dim maskCircle As Shape
            Set maskRectangle = theSlide.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _
                                                         Left:=.Left, _
                                                         Top:=.Top, _
                                                         Width:=.Width, _

            '--- randomly decided the circle mask should be 80% of the
            '    height of the original image
            Const MASK_SIZE As Double = 0.8
            Dim circleDiameter As Double
            circleDiameter = .Height * MASK_SIZE

            Set maskCircle = theSlide.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, _
                                                      Left:=(.Left + ((.Width / 2) - (circleDiameter / 2))), _
                                                      Top:=(.Top + (.Height * ((1# - MASK_SIZE) / 2#))), _
                                                      Width:=circleDiameter, _

            Dim maskShapes As Variant
            maskShapes = Array(maskRectangle.Name, maskCircle.Name)
            theSlide.Shapes.Range(maskShapes).MergeShapes msoMergeCombine

            '--- find the shape we just created
            Dim maskShape As Shape
            For Each maskShape In theSlide.Shapes
                If maskShape.Name <> .Name Then
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next maskShape

            '--- the color of the new make shape and it's border has to match
            '    the color of the slide background, assuming it's solid
            maskShape.Fill.ForeColor = theSlide.Background.Fill.BackColor
            maskShape.Line.ForeColor = theSlide.Background.Fill.BackColor

            '--- optionally group the mask and the original image
            theSlide.Shapes.Range(Array(.Name, maskShape.Name)).Group

        End If
    End With
End Sub


enter image description here


关于vba - 使用 1 :1 aspect ratio 将图像裁剪为圆形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60709548/


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