vue.js - 来自@vue/test-utils的mount()和shallowMount()抛出TypeError : Cannot read property 'components' of undefined

标签 vue.js vuejs2 jestjs vue-test-utils

我正在尝试为我的 Vue 应用程序设置单元测试,但每次运行测试时,mount 或shallowMount 函数都会抛出 TypeError: Cannot read property 'components' of undefined 错误。我尝试了 @vue/test-utils 版本 1.0.0-beta.32、1.0.0-beta.31 和 1.0.0-beta.27 但无济于事。


    ✕ is a Vue instance (24ms)

  ● ActuatorController › is a Vue instance

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'components' of undefined

       5 | 
       6 | beforeEach(() => {
    >  7 |   wrapper = mount(ActuatorController);
         |             ^
       8 | });
       9 | 
      10 | afterEach(() => {

      at createInstance (node_modules/@vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:2537:22)
      at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:13525:18)
      at Object.<anonymous> (apps/actuator_controller/static/actuator_controller/__tests__/ActuatorController.test.js:7:13)

  ● ActuatorController › is a Vue instance

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'isVueInstance' of undefined

      14 | describe("ActuatorController", () => {
      15 |   test("is a Vue instance", () => {
    > 16 |     expect(wrapper.isVueInstance()).toBeTruthy();
         |                    ^
      17 |   });
      18 | });
      19 | 

      at Object.<anonymous> (apps/actuator_controller/static/actuator_controller/__tests__/ActuatorController.test.js:16:20)

  ● ActuatorController › is a Vue instance

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined

       9 | 
      10 | afterEach(() => {
    > 11 |   wrapper.destroy();
         |           ^
      12 | });
      13 | 
      14 | describe("ActuatorController", () => {

      at Object.<anonymous> (apps/actuator_controller/static/actuator_controller/__tests__/ActuatorController.test.js:11:11)

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests:       1 failed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        20.601s

这是我的 package.json

  "name": "igp-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack",
    "test": "jest"
  "dependencies": {
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    "vuetify": "^2.2.15"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "^7.8.7",
    "@vue/babel-preset-app": "^4.2.3",
    "@vue/test-utils": "^1.0.0-beta.32",
    "babel-core": "^7.0.0-bridge.0",
    "babel-eslint": "^10.1.0",
    "babel-jest": "^25.2.4",
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    "eslint": "^6.8.0",
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module.exports = {
  verbose: true,
  moduleFileExtensions: ["js", "jsx", "json", "vue"],
  transform: {
    "^.+\\.vue$": "vue-jest",
    "^.+\\.(js|jsx)?$": "babel-jest",
  snapshotSerializers: ["jest-serializer-vue"],
  testMatch: ["**/__tests__/*.test.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"],
  collectCoverage: false,
  collectCoverageFrom: ["**/*.{js,vue}", "!**/node_modules/**"],


import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import { ActuatorController } from "../Vue/ActuatorController.vue";

let wrapper;

beforeEach(() => {
  wrapper = mount(ActuatorController);

afterEach(() => {

describe("ActuatorController", () => {
  test("is a Vue instance", () => {



export default {
  name: "ActuatorController",

<style scoped></style>


干杯, 尼科


该错误意味着 mount 尝试读取 ActuatorControllercomponents 属性并失败。

Components 是 Vue 单文件组件中的默认导出,而 ActuatorController 被命名为 import 并且未定义。


import ActuatorController from "../Vue/ActuatorController.vue";

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