typescript - 以类型安全的方式迭代对象属性

标签 typescript typescript-typings


class Settings {
    private constructor(public readonly a: number, 
        public readonly b: number) {

    static newSettings() {
        return new Settings(1, 2);

    withA(a: number) {
        return new Settings(a, this.b);

    withB(a: number) {
        return new Settings(this.a, b);

这正是我在 Java 中的做法(使用 Lombok 生成所有样板文件)。这不能很好地扩展,所以我切换到

interface ISettings {
    readonly a?: number
    readonly b?: number

class Settings implements ISettings {
    readonly a: number = 1
    readonly b: number = 2

    private constructor(base?: ISettings, overrides?: ISettings) {
        for (const k of Object.keys(this)) {
            // @ts-ignore
            this[k] = overrides?.[k] ?? base?.[k] ?? this[k]; // <---- PROBLEM

    static newSettings() {
        return new Settings();

    with(overrides: ISettings) {
        return new Settings(this, overrides);





首先,由于 TS 结构类型,Object.keys 将始终返回字符串类型

The basic rule for TypeScript’s structural type system is that x is compatible with y if y has at least the same members as x



type X = { a: string };
type Y = X & { b: string };

function f(x: X) {
  return Object.keys(x);

const y = { a: 'a', b: 'b' };
f(y); // no error - works but we have more keys then X has



private constructor(base?: ISettings, overrides?: ISettings) {
    const keys = Object.keys(this) as (keyof ISettings)[]
    for (const k of keys) {
      // k is a | b
      this[k] = overrides?.[k] ?? base?.[k] ?? this[k];

由于 Object.keys 的行为,这里唯一的方法是通过 as 进行类型断言。

关于typescript - 以类型安全的方式迭代对象属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61066060/


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