- RequireAuthorization 和 Swashbuckle IOperationFilter

标签 authorization swashbuckle

我正在寻找一种方法来使用 IOperationFilter 确定端点是否需要授权 (.Net Core 3.1)。

如果授权是通过过滤器设置或显式设置为属性,则可以在 OperationFilterContext context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Select(filterInfo => filterInfo.Filter).Any(filter => filter is AuthorizeFilter) 中找到它。和context.ApiDescription.CustomAttributes().OfType<AuthorizeAttribute>() .

但是如果授权设置为 endpoints.MapControllers().RequireAuthorization(); ,它应该将 AuthorizationAttribute 添加到所有端点,它既不会出现在过滤器中,也不会出现在属性中。在这种情况下,对于如何捕获身份验证是否应用于端点有什么想法吗?


我今天能够像这样击败它(虚张声势 5.63):

  1. 创建一个像这样的新类
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen;

namespace YourNameSpace
   public class SwaggerGlobalAuthFilter : IOperationFilter
      public void Apply( OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context )
         context.ApiDescription.TryGetMethodInfo( out MethodInfo methodInfo );

         if ( methodInfo == null )

         var hasAllowAnonymousAttribute = false;

         if ( methodInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method )
            // NOTE: Check the controller or the method itself has AllowAnonymousAttribute attribute
            hasAllowAnonymousAttribute = 
               methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes( true ).OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any() ||
               methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes( true ).OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any();

         if ( hasAllowAnonymousAttribute )

         // NOTE: This adds the "Padlock" icon to the endpoint in swagger, 
         //       we can also pass through the names of the policies in the List<string>()
         //       which will indicate which permission you require.
         operation.Security = new List<OpenApiSecurityRequirement>
            new OpenApiSecurityRequirement()
                  new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                     Reference = new OpenApiReference
                        Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
                        Id = "oauth2"  // note this 'Id' matches the name 'oauth2' defined in the swagger extensions config section below
                     Scheme = "oauth2",
                     Name = "Bearer",
                     In = ParameterLocation.Header,
                  new List<string>()

在 swagger 配置扩展中

            options.AddSecurityDefinition( "oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme
               Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
               Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows
                  Implicit = new OpenApiOAuthFlow
                    //_swaggerSettings is a custom settings object of our own
                     AuthorizationUrl = new Uri( _swaggerSettings.AuthorizationUrl ),
                     Scopes = _swaggerSettings.Scopes
            } );

将文档、其他 SO 和内置 SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter 的反编译代码放在一起

据我所知,它正在为所有路由端点定义全局身份验证设置,除了在 Controller 或端点上明确具有 AllowAnonymousAttribute 的端点之外。因为,正如您最初的问题所暗示的那样,在设置路由时使用扩展 RequireAuthorization() 会隐式将该属性放在所有端点上,并且内置的 SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter 会检测 Authorize 属性无法获取它。由于您的路由设置实际上是在每个 Controller /路由上放置 Authorize ,因此似乎设置像这样排除 AllowAnonymous 的默认全局过滤器将与您在中配置的内容一致管道。


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用于发布到 craigslist 的 API