javascript - Ramda - 将数组中具有相同键值的对象的重复项组合起来

标签 javascript ecmascript-6 ramda.js

我有一个对象数组,如果它们具有相同的名称,我想将其合并,并将它们的 feederTeams 添加到数组中。


const TEAMS = [{
    name: 'Liverpool',
    id: '1',
    feederTeam: 'Tranmere'
}, {
    name: 'Liverpool',
    id: '2',
    feederTeam: 'Stockport'
}, {
    name: 'Man Utd',
    feederTeam: 'Bla',
    id: '3',
}, {
    name: 'Liverpool',
    id: '6',
    feederTeam: 'Oldham'

我想使用 Ramda 将其转换为:

    name: 'Liverpool',
    feederTeam: ['Tranmere', 'Stockport', 'Oldham']
}, {
    name: 'Man Utd',
    feederTeam: ['Bla'],


R.forEach((team => R.filter(R.propEq('name',, TEAMS)), TEAMS); 


由于您想将多个元素分组在一起,请使用 R.groupBy。然后从具有 R.values 的组对象中获取一个数组,并将每个组映射到所需的形式:

const { pipe, groupBy, prop, values, map, applySpec, nth } = R

const fn = pipe(
  groupBy(prop('name')), // group object by the name property
  values, // get an array of groups
  map(applySpec({ // map each group to an object
    name: pipe(nth(0), prop('name')), // take the name from the 1st object in the group
    feederTeam: map(prop('feederTeam')), // collect all feedTeam props to an array

const teams = [{"name":"Liverpool","id":"1","feederTeam":"Tranmere"},{"name":"Liverpool","id":"2","feederTeam":"Stockport"},{"name":"Man Utd","feederTeam":"Bla","id":"3"},{"name":"Liverpool","id":"6","feederTeam":"Oldham"}]

const result = fn(teams)

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一个细微的变化是使用 R.mapObjIndexed 映射组的对象。在本例中,name 是键(是提供给 R.applySpec 的第二个参数)。将组映射到对象后,将结果转换为带有 R.values 的数组:

const { pipe, groupBy, prop, values, mapObjIndexed, applySpec, map, nthArg } = R

const fn = pipe(
  groupBy(prop('name')), // group object by the name property
  mapObjIndexed(applySpec({ // map each group to an object
    name: nthArg(1), // take the name from key (2nd arg)
    feederTeam: map(prop('feederTeam')), // collect all feedTeam props to an array
  values, // convert to an array of objects

const teams = [{"name":"Liverpool","id":"1","feederTeam":"Tranmere"},{"name":"Liverpool","id":"2","feederTeam":"Stockport"},{"name":"Man Utd","feederTeam":"Bla","id":"3"},{"name":"Liverpool","id":"6","feederTeam":"Oldham"}]

const result = fn(teams)

<script src="" integrity="sha512-3sdB9mAxNh2MIo6YkY05uY1qjkywAlDfCf5u1cSotv6k9CZUSyHVf4BJSpTYgla+YHLaHG8LUpqV7MHctlYzlw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

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