python - 在单行中总结 pandas 数据框

标签 python pandas dataframe row summarize


employees = {'Name of Employee': ['Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark', 'Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark','Mark'],
                         'Department': ['21','21','21','21','21','21', '21','21','21','21','21','21','21'],
                         'Team': ['2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2'],
                         'Log': ['2020-02-19 09:01:17', '2020-02-19 09:54:02', '2020-04-10 11:00:31', '2020-04-11 12:39:08', '2020-04-18 09:45:22', '2020-05-05 09:01:17', '2020-05-23 09:54:02', '2020-07-03 11:00:31', '2020-07-03 12:39:08', '2020-07-04 09:45:22', '2020-07-05 09:01:17', '2020-07-06 09:54:02', '2020-07-06 11:00:31'],
                         'Call Duration' : ['0.01178', '0.01736','0.01923','0.00911','0.01007','0.01206','0.01256','0.01006','0.01162','0.00733','0.01250','0.01013','0.01308'],
                         'ITT': ['NO','YES', 'NO', 'Follow up', 'YES','YES', 'NO', 'Follow up','YES','YES', 'NO','YES','YES']
df = pd.DataFrame(employees)


Name  Dept  Team     Start      End      Weeks Total Calls  Ave. Call time  Sold  Rejected  more info
Mark   21    2    2020-02-19 2020-07-06  19.71      13          0.01207       7       4        2


  • 开始 = df['Log'] 中的最短日期
  • End = df['Log'] 中的最大日期
  • 周 =(df['log'] 中的最大日期 - df['Log'] 中的最小日期)/7
  • 总调用次数 = df['Log'].count
  • 大道。通话时间 = (df['通话时长'].sum)/(df['Log'].count)
  • 已售出 = (df['ITT']=='YES').count
  • 已拒绝 = (df['ITT']=='NO').count
  • 更多信息 = (df['ITT']=='跟进').count


尝试使用 pd.NamedAgggroupby:

df['Log'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Log'])
df['Call Duration'] = df['Call Duration'].astype(float)

df.groupby(['Name of Employee', 'Team', 'Department'])\
  .agg(Start = ('Log','min'),
       End = ('Log', 'max'),
        Weeks = ('Log', lambda x: np.ptp(x) / np.timedelta64(7, 'D')),
        Total_Calls = ('Log', 'count'),
        Avg_Call_Time = ('Call Duration', 'mean'),
        Sold = ('ITT', lambda x: (x == 'YES').sum()),
        Rejected = ('ITT', lambda x: (x == 'NO').sum()),
        More_info = ('ITT', lambda x: (x=='Follow up').sum()))


                                               Start                 End      Weeks  Total_Calls  Avg_Call_Time  Sold  Rejected  More_info
Name of Employee Team Department                                                                                                          
Mark             2    21         2020-02-19 09:01:17 2020-07-06 11:00:31  19.726114           13       0.012068     7         4          2

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