python - "rx"或 "bx"作为 ax.plot 的第三个参数是什么意思?

标签 python matplotlib

此代码用于 KMeans 机器学习:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
x = y = [1,2,3]

for color in centroid_colors:
    ax.plot(x, y, color)


enter image description here


第三个参数实际上不是颜色,而是格式,包括颜色、标记样式和线条样式。 ax.plot(x,y,fmx)fmt 参数的语法为:

fmt = '[marker][line][color]'


'b'    # blue markers with default shape
'or'   # red circles
'-g'   # green solid line
'--'   # dashed line with default color
'^k:'  # black triangle_up markers connected by a dotted line

bx 表示“蓝色 x”(即[颜色][标记])。看来 matplotlib 绘图函数足够聪明,可以理解 fmt,即使参数中项目的顺序是混合的。文档说(强调我的)

Other combinations such as [color][marker][line] are also supported, but note that their parsing may be ambiguous.

因此,我个人会使用 xb 而不是 bx

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