tcl - 在 Tcl 中用换行符连接字符串

标签 tcl

我无法在 tcl 中连接具有新行的字符串。新行将被忽略。有办法克服这个问题吗?

% set pst_data "Power states :-\n"
Power states :-

% set pst_data [concat $pst_data "vcc1\t 1 0 1\n"]
Power states :- vcc1     1 0 1
% set pst_data [concat $pst_data "vcc2\t 2 2 0\n"]
Power states :- vcc1     1 0 1 vcc2      2 2 0



它在 manual 中提到了它:

This command joins each of its arguments together with spaces after trimming leading and trailing white-space from each of them.

您可以尝试使用 append相反:

% set pst_data "Power states :-\n"
Power states :-

% append pst_data "vcc1\t 1 0 1\n"
Power states :-
vcc1     1 0 1

% append pst_data "vcc1\t 1 0 1\n"
Power states :-
vcc1     1 0 1
vcc1     1 0 1


关于tcl - 在 Tcl 中用换行符连接字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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