Jenkins 部署前手动批准电子邮件

标签 jenkins jenkins-pipeline

我正在尝试为我们的 UAT 团队构建一个逻辑,仅在经理批准后才能部署代码。我想知道怎样才能实现?电子邮件批准?请帮忙



//this will grab user - who is running the job
def user
node {
  wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
    user = env.BUILD_USER_ID
  emailext mimeType: 'text/html',
                 subject: "[Jenkins]${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
                 to: "<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="82f7f1e7f0c2fafafaace1edef" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>",
                 body: '''<a href="${BUILD_URL}input">click to approve</a>'''

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('deploy') {
            input {
                message "Should we continue?"
                ok "Yes"
            when {
                expression { user == 'hardCodeApproverJenkinsId'}
            steps {
                sh "echo 'describe your deployment' "

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