android - 删除 InteractionState 后,Jetpack Compose Beta 1 中提升按下状态

标签 android android-jetpack-compose

在 compose-beta01 之前,使用 InteractionState 在 Jetpack Compose 中提升按下状态非常容易:

fun App() {
    val interactionState = remember { InteractionState() }
    val pressed = interactionState.contains(Interaction.Pressed)

    MyComposable(Modifier.clickable(interactionState = interactionState) { })

InteractionState 在 beta01 中被删除,现在有明显的方法可以复制这种行为。如何使用 clickable 修饰符提升按下状态?


您是否尝试过应用Compose beta01发行说明中解释的内容? ?

InteractionState has been replaced with [Mutable]InteractionSource

  • Interfaces are responsible for emitting / collecting Interaction events.
  • Instead of passing interactionState = remember { InteractionState() } to components such as Button and Modifier.clickable(), use interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }.
  • Instead of: Interaction.Pressed in interactionState you should instead use the extension functions on InteractionSource, such as InteractionSource.collectIsPressedAsState().
  • For complex use cases you can use InteractionSource.interactions to observe the stream of Interactions. See the InteractionSource documentation and samples for more information.
  • (I85965, b/152525426, b/171913923, b/171710801, b/174852378)


val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
val pressedState = interactionSource.collectIsPressedAsState()

        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        indication = LocalIndication.current
    ) {}

关于android - 删除 InteractionState 后,Jetpack Compose Beta 1 中提升按下状态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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